Recognizing the generally huge undertaking it is to prepare documents to meet an accreditation
review, and the duplication of efforts often involved, we have modified the University’s
Program review process, as follows.
- Accredited programs will prepare their accreditation documents and turn them in to
the Undergraduate Academic Council (UAC) or Graduate Academic Council (GAC) and the
Long Range Planning Council (LRPC), having done the following:
- cutting and pasting those relevant sections or passages from the accreditation documents
to complete the required sections of the University’s Program Review template;
- completion of any and all sections of the Program Review template that are not encompassed in the unit’s accreditation documents, such as sections pertaining to
the unit’s fit with the University Mission Statement and how the unit does or will
advance the University’s Academic Strategic Plan.
- The external agency’s accreditation report(s) will be turned in to the UAC or GAC
and the LRPC, along with the completed University’s Program Review template, as described
- The Program Review process will be undertaken with the documentation described above.