»Career Exploration

What is Career Exploration?

Career exploration can be seen as the continuous process of learning about career paths, jobs, industries, fields and roles that fit your professional interests, goals, values and skills. Whether you are exploring majors, or looking into new career options post-graduation, career exploration can happen at any point in your life (and sometimes multiple times!). It is often a lifelong process for many of us as we discover new passions, skills or needs through different experiences and life events.
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Career vs. Job: What’s the difference?

Career can be defined as “your life’s work; the path you embark upon to fulfill your professional goals and ambitions.” When you do work related to your career, it is something that you do because it is part of your purpose or “calling.” Your career ambitions can change over time, especially as you encounter new experiences that give you a new mission to be a part of.

Throughout our lifetime, we will often have many jobs over the course of our career(s). While a job’s primary purpose may be financial, it is common for these jobs to look very different from one another and still be actively contributing towards your career goals. There are also times where we may take on temporary jobs that seem less related to our career goals, to sustain our way of living or to explore another industry. Nonetheless, every job you have will allow you to develop skills that can help your career.

Remember that the path we take to reach our career goals is not always a straight line. In fact, it more often looks different for everyone, even those with the same job title. As you continue to explore your career options, it is important to be open minded and patient with what your path may look like.

Reflective Questions for Career Exploration

Here are some questions to ask yourself as you explore different careers. Afterwards, make a career exploration appointment with your Career Team to discuss your thoughts!

  • What is important to me?
  • What topics and ideas spark my curiosity or excitement?
  • What are my strengths/skills?
  • How do I like to spend my time?
  • What are my favorite classes, and why? Or, what was my favorite job/internship, and why?
  • What are my least favorite classes, and why? Or, what was my least favorite job/internship, and why?
  • If I had a magic wand, what would I do for a year?
  • What jobs/careers seem interesting to me? Why?
  • Who has influenced my ideas about my career options?
  • What career paths or jobs can I cross off my list?
  • Who else is impacted by my career choices?
  • What kind of work environment do I thrive in?

The Chapman Career Team has curated these resources to help you discover your career path. 

Make an Appointment

Schedule a career exploration meeting with a career advisor from Chapman's Career Team


Take a self-assessment or formal career assessment to discover more about your skills, strengths, personality and options

Program Career Portal

Browse the portal to explore a curated list possible career options within a major

Clubs and Organizations

Consider joining a campus club or organization to connect with others with similar career interests

Informational Interviews

Learn more about how conversations with professionals having can help with your exploration

Career & Professional Development

Phone(714) 997-6942Emailcareer@chapman.eduHours

Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Drop-In Hours

If you don't have an appointment, you can swing by the Career House to meet with a fellow student Peer Career Advisor during Drop-In Hours.  View the Drop-In schedule »


Both virtual and in-person career appointments are available for students and alumni. 

Schedule career appointments via Handshake »


Explore upcoming career events on Handshake or events.chapman.edu


Meet the Team » 
Handshake »
Career Blog »Address Career House
342 N. Glassell
Orange, CA 92866
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