Career House Drop-ins for Fall 2024 are on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 2:00pm to 4:00pm from the week of August 26 through December 6. Last call for drop-ins is 3:50pm. Come visit us at theCareer Housefor an In-Person Drop-In!
*Note that you will be required to sign into Zoom with your Chapman SSO account login
to access the virtual room. Virtual drop-ins are admitted on a first-come, first-served
basis, one at a time from the waiting room. Exceptions and changes to the regular schedule are announced in the weekly Career
Connection student e-newsletter.
Updated September 11, 2024
What are Drop-Ins?
Drop-ins are a way for students to get career advice without making an appointment.
They are intended for quick, 15-minute career conversations and are available on a
first-come, first-served basis. If you're just beginning your career journey (or if
you just have a quick question about our office!) drop-ins are a great way to start.
Fellow Panther Peer Career Advisors can help you with a variety of topics and tasks, including:
Review career services and resources
Handshake tips and tricks
Resume review
Cover letter review
LinkedIn review
Job and internship search
Career Fair preparation
Writing thank-you, acceptance or declination letters
Find your Peer Career Advisors in special locations across campus during popup events
throughout the semester. Special events are announced in Dean Price's weekly Monday
emails and the weekly Tuesday Career Connection e-newsletters.
Visit the Office of Career and Professional Development in the heart of Chapman's
Orange campus at 342 N. Glassell Street. Find the green historic housing complex directly
across from DeMille Hall and adjacent to the Fowler School of Law.
If you don't have an appointment, you can swing by the Career House to meet with a
fellow student Peer Career Advisor during Drop-In Hours. View the Drop-In schedule »
Both virtual and in-person career appointments are available for students and alumni.