»Fischer Identity Management System

Welcome to the Chapman Fischer Identity Management System resources page.

We have switched to Fischer Identity Management System on June 13, 2022, to improve our ability to manage Chapman identity and system access. Fischer offers a flexible and adaptable platform that can meet the varying needs of our organizations and will help us provide improved workflows while keeping our data safe. Fischer system is the primary identity management system and will be used to provision all Chapman accounts, including Persons of Interest (POI). POI's are non-Chapman personnel (e.g., Contractors and Clinical Preceptors) who provide services to Chapman Departments. 

To help you with entering and updating POI information utilizing this new service, additional resources have been provided below.

Many users can access their accounts via the new self-registration process. For POIs, when an account is created, an email will be sent to both the POI and the POI's sponsor/Manager. The email to the POI will be sent to the person's personal email. The email will include a link the individual can access to claim their account. They will be required to enroll in 2FA and will then be able to create their own password.


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