Office of Sustainability

»Volunteer Opportunities

Get involved within the Orange community!
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Orange Home Grown

The Orange Home Grown Education Farm welcomes anyone who is interested in assisting with tasks at their farm and gaining valuable sustainable gardening tips. 

Learn more about volunteering at the OHG Education Farm

Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County

Second Harvest Food Bank is a local food bank that works to provide food and nutritional security to all. Volunteer at an event, donate or host a food drive, and attend events hosted by them to participate in the fight against food insecurity.

Learn more about volunteering at Second Harvest Food Bank

Weigh the Waste

Weigh the Waste events take place several times a semester in Randall Dining Hall. This educational program is geared toward promoting post-consumer food waste reduction. Volunteers will assist in the collection and weighing of the food waste for one meal period. After the event, volunteers can enjoy a free meal at the dining hall!

Sign up to be a volunteer here

Email sustainability@chapman.edu for more information