• Don Cardinal with background image of college displaying TPI taking action
Thompson Policy Institute on Disability

2019 DisAbility Summit

»Thompson Policy Institute's 2019 Disability Summit

Friday, April 19, 2019

9 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Marybelle and Sebastian P. Musco Center for the Arts

Chapman University – Orange, CA 

 Keynote Speaker: Richard A. Villa

Keynote speaker Richard Villa at his deskDr. Richard A. Villa is President of Bayridge Consortium, Inc.  His primary field of expertise is the development of administrative and instructional support systems for educating all students within general education settings.  Dr. Villa is recognized as an educational leader who motivates and works collaboratively with others to implement current and emerging exemplary educational practices.  In the school districts where he has worked and consulted, his efforts have resulted in the inclusion of children with intensive cognitive, physical, and emotional challenges as full members of the general education community.  Dr. Villa has been a classroom teacher, special education administrator, pupil personnel services director, and director of instructional services, and has authored 25 books and more than 100 articles and chapters.  Known for his enthusiastic, humorous style, Dr. Villa has presented at international, national, and state educational conferences and has provided technical assistance to departments of education in the United States, Canada, Vietnam, and Honduras and to university personnel, public school systems, and parent and advocacy organizations. 


Continental Breakfast begins at 8:00 a.m.

The Summit will begin promptly at 9:00 a.m.

Dr. Margaret Grogan, Dean of the Donna Ford Attallah College of Educational Studies

Opening Remarks
Dr. Don Cardinal

Excellence in Disability Award

Keynote Address
Advocating for Inclusive Education: What can one person do?
Dr. Richard A. Villa

A Short Intermission

Research Presentation
The State of Inclusion and Exclusion of Students with Disabilities in California School Districts
Dr. Meghan Cosier, Dr. Don Cardinal, Dr. Audri Gomez

Inclusion in Action
How do we do this?  Strategies and structures to educate each, every, and all
Dr. Jessica Tunney

Research Presentation
Making STEM Education Inclusive: Opening Doors to Engage Girls and Women with Disabilities
Dr. Amy Jane Griffiths, Dr. Angel Miles Nash

Closing Remarks

Parking Information

Map showing parking locations for Musco Center

Primary parking for Musco Center events is available a block away in the Barrera Parking Structure behind the Fowler School of Law at the corner of Sycamore and Lemon Street. Parking is also available in the Lastinger Parking Structure under the Chapman football stadium. Enter the underground structure off Walnut Avenue on the north edge of the campus.

Handicapped parking is available in both parking structures.

Please do not park on the side streets or in the neighborhoods – you will be ticketed.