»Emergency Procedures

This page provides procedures to help you respond to on-campus emergencies. While it covers various scenarios, it may not address all possible situations. If uncertain, always contact Chapman University Public Safety.

If you dial 911 from any campus phone, your call will connect directly to the police department's emergency line and also notify Chapman's dispatch, allowing them to listen in and assist if necessary. However, calling 911 from a non-campus phone does not immediately notify Public Safety, potentially delaying their assistance. To ensure a prompt response from Chapman University Public Safety, dial (714) 997-6763 directly from your cell phone. Consider adding this number to your speed dial for quick access. For on-campus emergencies requiring ambulance, fire, or police services, use a campus phone to dial 911 or call (714) 997-6763. In the event you cannot get through to Public Safety, call 911 immediately. Emergency blue phones are available around campus and will connect you with help just by picking them up; you can find their locations on our interactive campus map.

General Instructions for All Emergencies

Call Chapman University Public Safety: (714) 997-6763

Public Safety will coordinate with emergency responders as needed.

Remain calm and follow these procedures carefully.

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If you have any concerns regarding the safety of your building or area, please request a Building/Area Assessment from Enterprise Risk and Safety.