»Frequently Asked Questions
We will be updating this section with new questions periodically. Where duplicate
questions are received, we will combine them to answer the subject matter.
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Are voluntary flexible work arrangements a temporary option to assist with the transition back to campus from the covid-19 pandemic?
No. The Voluntary Flexible Work Arrangements policy was developed to provide Staff
and Administrators with an ongoing process to request flexible work arrangements.
Is there a window for submitting requests , or can they be submitted at any time throughout the year?
There is no set time frame for submission. Requests may be submitted at any time throughout
the year.
Are employees who are working offsite required to use and disclose their personal cell phone number?
IS&T can move your phone line over to Microsoft Teams. In Teams, you can retain your
personal phone extension and will be able to make and receive both Chapman and outside
calls using your campus phone number. Microsoft Teams can be installed on a mobile
device where you can call or answer call. You can find out more about this and other
ways IS&T is supporting our return to campus by viewing IS&T's Return to Campus page.
Chapman offers three types of voluntary flexible work arrangements. Do employees have to choose between them?
You may request a combination of voluntary flexible work arrangements . For example,
you may request flexible workhours and telecommuting, or flexible workhours and remote
work. Of course, you may also request a single type of VFWA, i.e., only remote work,
only telecommuting, or only flexible workhours.
Does Chapman offer compressed work weeks, such as the 9/80 schedule?
No, requests for schedules that extend the hours worked in a day beyond eight hours
or the hours worked in a week beyond 40 can not be approved.
Under the flexible work hours option, is the total number of hours worked in a week reduced?
The flexible work hours option does not change the total number of hours that a staff
member or Administrator is scheduled to work. It simply provides flexibility around
the start or end time. For example, you may request a work day of 6am to 3pm, as an
alternative to the standard schedule of 8am to 5pm. Schedules should include the core
normal working hours of 9 a.m. –3 p.m., and you are expected to adhere to this schedule
as your normal schedule. Flexible worktime days require a lunch period of at least
30 minutes if Staff and Administrators will be working five or more hours in a day.
Breaks are also required for non-exempt Staff. Meal periods and breaks may not be
combined or used to shorten the workday, and schedules that extend the hours worked
in a day beyond eight hours or the hours worked in a week beyond 40 are not available.
Does the Voluntary Flexible Work Arrangements policy apply to student employees or faculty?
The Voluntary Flexible work Arrangements policy applies only to eligible Staff and
Administrators. Instruction and research faculty employment is covered by the Faculty
Manual, Full-Time Faculty Handbook, or Lecturer (Part-Time Faculty) Handbook, as applicable.
Student employment is covered by the Student Employee Handbook
If I have a one-off need to work remotely (e.g. to be available for an emergency home repair) do I need to submit a flexible work arrangement request?
No, this request process is not designed to address one-off situations. Those can
be reviewed by communicating with your supervisor directly.
If an employee changes positions within the University, do they need to complete a year of continuous service in their new department before being eligible to request a voluntary flexible work arrangement?
Once an employee has completed a year of continuous service in any department at Chapman
they are eligible to request a voluntary flexible work arrangement.
If an employee with an approved voluntary flexible work arrangement in place accepts a new position within the University, does the voluntary flexible work arrangement automatically continue in their new position?
No. Because requests for flexible work arrangements are evaluated based on operational
needs, a request should be submitted to the new supervisor so that they can make a
decision based on their assessment of the needs in their area.
Can a request for a voluntary flexible work arrangement be submitted by a group of employees, or does each person need to make an individual request?
The request form is designed for use by an individual employee. If a group of employees
are proposing a coordinated schedule, they are encouraged to discuss the proposal
with their supervisor, and to reference each other's proposed schedules in their submissions.
How does this policy apply to student serving offices?
Chapman prides itself on providing a highly personalized campus experience to students,
which requires a robust staff presence. Staff in student-facing areas are eligible
to apply for voluntary flexible work arrangements, and their supervisors and Senior
Staff Members are responsible for deciding how best to provide student services, and
for evaluating whether a proposed arrangement is compatible with operational needs
in their areas.
What is the process if I need to request a flexible work arrangement as a result of a medical condition?
The voluntary flexible work arrangements policy is not intended to apply to situations
where a request for a change in schedule or location is due to a medical condition.
Chapman University is committed to providing reasonable workplace accommodations to
qualified employees with disabilities. The Equal Opportunity Office (EOO) administers
the university’s disability accommodation process for employees and the relevant policy
can be found on the EOO webpage.
Can an approved arrangement be seasonal, with different provisions for different times of the year?
Yes, employees and supervisors are encouraged to think about the cadence of work in
their department during the entire year and to identify periods that may require a
different level of on-campus presence. For example, in many departments the period
around the beginning of the academic year is one in which all employees are expected
to be physically present to support newly arrived students and faculty.
Can a Senior Staff Member set additional criteria for voluntary flexible work arrangements in their area?
Yes. There may be specific operational considerations which apply to individual area.
When that is the case, Senior Staff members are encouraged to communicate those considerations
to all employees.
Can a Senior Staff Member, a Dean, department head, or supervisor decide not to approve any voluntary flexible work arrangements in their area?
Yes. There may be situations where, for operational reasons, they conclude that flexible
work arrangements are not feasible in their area.
How can I find out which Senior Staff Member will be responsible for approving my request?
Click here to view the list of each department's corresponding Dean/Department Head and Senior Staff member. It is important to note that not all levels of reporting are represented in the online approval workflow for all departments. When this is the case, it is important that the employees’ supervisors and/or non-academic department heads consult with their supervisor prior to indicating their decision in the system.
Do staff and administrators give up their physical office space or location on campus on those days that they are working remotely?
A staff or administrative employee with an approved VFWA agreement will continue to
be provided with an onsite workspace.
What are my responsibilities as an employee when working from an alternate work location?
Employees who request telecommuting or remote work are responsible for taking all
steps necessary to maintain a safe and productive work environment at their alternate
work location. This includes responsibility for the physical workspace, for removing
distractions, and for ensuring an adequate internet connection to support the work
which will be performed. Consistent with the University’s expectations of information
security for employees working on campus, telecommuting or remote working employees
will be expected to ensure the protection of equipment and confidential or proprietary
information accessible from their alternative work location. Steps include the use
of locked file cabinets and desks for physical documents ,regular password maintenance,
and any other measures appropriate to secure University information.
If an employee requests a voluntary telecommuting or remote work arrangement who is responsible for the cost of equipping the alternate worksite?
Employees are provided with a fully equipped and connected Chapman workspace. If an
employee requests to be permitted to work from another location for their own convenience,
they are responsible for equipping that space. While employees have an opportunity
to identify and request equipment that may assist them in being productive at an alternate
work site, the home department is not required to provide additional equipment, supplies
or reimbursements or cover costs related to working from another location for employees
who choose to participate in a voluntary arrangement.
One of the eligibility criteria is a rating of "meets expectations" or above on the most recent performance evaluation. My supervisor did not conduct annual performance evaluations? How will this be considered?
If you were awarded a merit increase, then you will be considered to have met expectations.
If my most recent performance rating was 'does not meet expectations', when will I be eligible to request a flexible work arrangement?
If your rating on your most recent performance review was less than "meets expectations"
you are not currently eligible to be considered for a flexible work arrangement. If,
in the future, your performance improves and you receive a rating of at least "meets
expectations" you may submit a request at that time.
How much notice will I receive if I am required to work onsite on a day for which I am scheduled to work remotely ?
As much notice as is feasible given the circumstances. There are some situations for
which the need is foreseeable, such as the beginning of the academic year and it is
anticipated that those will be discussed in advance . However, there are others which
are unpredictable, and participants in flexible work arrangements may need to make
temporary changes as required to meet operational needs.
Is there a list of states that are approved for remote work?
Because regulations governing employment vary from state to state and require the
University to register as a foreign entity in the state in which the work will be
performed, requests for remote work outside of California require HR authorization.
Such requests will generally require demonstration of a compelling need by the University
and will be considered on a case-by-case (rather than state-by-state) basis to balance
other needs of the University and the required resource allocation. Currently the
University is registered in three states outside of California.
How long does a voluntary flexible work arrangement remain in place?
The request form is designed to allow the employee and their supervisor the flexibility
to determine the optimal duration. In some cases that might be a pilot for a limited
period of time. In others it may be ongoing. The parties are encouraged to consider
the business cadence in their department, identify those times of year when a temporary
return to a traditional schedule may be required, and to tailor any agreement and
duration to support the operational needs of their department. Voluntary flexible
work arrangements should be reviewed on a periodic basis (at least once a year) to
ensure continued alignment with current operational needs. Either party may revoke
the agreement at any time, though a two week courtesy notice is preferred where feasible.
How much notice is required if either party wants to revoke a voluntary flexible work arrangement?
Where possible, two weeks notice will be provided.
Do I have an appeal right if I disagree with the decision made by my supervisor or Senior Staff Member?
The supervisor and the Senior Staff Member are responsible for assessing the impact
of a proposed VFWA on operational considerations. Because they are in the best position
to make those assessments for their areas, their decisions regarding flexible work
vis-à-vis operational needs are final. There are not appeals rights to Human Resources
or to other offices. If you wish to assert that a decision to deny flexible work
arrangements has been made with discriminatory intent or is retaliatory in nature,
you are encouraged to consult with the Equal Opportunity Office.
What can I do if I believe that my request has been denied due to discrimination or retaliation?
Allegations of discrimination or retaliation will be reviewed in accordance with the
University's established policy prohibiting discrimination and retaliation. Employees who wish to assert that they
have been subjected to discrimination or retaliation are encouraged to consult with
the Equal Opportunity Office.