• A housing community at Chapman University. In the foreground is a red-leafed tree.

Transfer Student Housing Options

»Transfer Student Housing Options

As a transfer student coming to Chapman, you have two options for housing. You can either:

  • Apply to live in Chapman housing, which means you'll be placed in one of our residence halls or apartments, space permitting.
  • Find off-campus housing, including apartments and houses that are unaffiliated with Chapman.

Transfer students are guaranteed housing for their first year if they submit the housing application and pay the Housing Reservation Payment by the deadline.

Applying to live in Chapman housing

As an incoming transfer student, you may apply to live in Chapman housing. Living in one of these complexes is not a requirement. 

If you do live on-campus, you will be placed in one of our on-campus residence halls or a Chapman-owned apartment complexSee our continuing student housing video for a quick sneak peek at the locations and amenities offered:


On-campus residence halls

Choose one of the buildings below to learn more about it, including info about room occupancy, amenities and more.

Chapman-owned apartments

Take a tour of the residence life area

See our on-campus residence life area up close on this 360-degree virtual tour.

Launch Residence Life Tour

Who you'll live with

As an incoming transfer student, you will be assigned roommate(s) based on living preferences. When you fill out your application, you’ll complete a quick questionnaire about your living habits and preferences. We’ll place you with someone who answered similarly to you.

Life in the Chapman apartments
What is living in our apartments like? For these Chapman upperclassmen, it’s meant homework at the kitchen table, dinner with friends and a sense of independence that’s made all the difference. Read their story to find out more.

Living off campus

As a transfer student, you may also choose to live in housing not affiliated with Chapman. In this case, we have resources to help. Check out our page on the Chapman Off-Campus Housing database to see local listings, communities we recommend and more to help you get started.

Meal plans
Regardless of whether you live in Chapman-owned apartments or choose to find your own housing, you will have the option to sign up for a meal plan. Check out our meal plans page for info on the options. (The commuter meal plan is a great choice for transfer students).

Contact us


(714) 997-6603

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Follow Chapman Residence Life and First-Year Experience on Instagram to stay updated with the latest on housing at Chapman.

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Check out our housing rates.