August 15, 16, 17 & 18
Attendance Required
First Year Students: Your first day of law school is rapidly approaching. 1L Launch Week is required for
all first-year students.
During Launch Week, students will participate in several workshops designed to help
prepare for and be successful in law school. Among other things, students will be
introduced to legal analysis, the Socratic method, and the briefing of cases. They
will have the opportunity to meet their first-year professors as well as other faculty
members, obtain locker assignment, purchase books, meet classmates, get a student
ID, etc. Reading assignments for orientation will be mailed in the orientation packet
prior to the event. In the meantime, students are encouraged to read one or more of
the books listed on the summer reading list.
First-year track assignments will be distributed on the first day of Launch Week. If you review the information on prior to this date, please be aware that the tracks and sections are subject to change administratively. There will be time during Launch Week to purchase your books and obtain first week assignments for your classes.
Transfer and Visiting Students: You are required to attend the one-day mandatory orientation.
2017 Transfer Launch Week Schedule