»Become a Mentor

We encourage attorneys who have been in practice for more than two years to consider volunteering as a mentor to a law student.

As a mentor, you have the opportunity to develop a mentoring relationship with a first-year student through in-person contacts, and via telephone and email. We hope you will spend time with your student in a variety of ways so that he or she can observe and experience the real practice of law, and can learn from your example what it’s really like to be an attorney. For example, you may want to show your mentee around your office, or take him or her to court or a CLE event. Our office will also stay in touch with you at various points during the program to see how things are going and to provide any additional support that we can. The Mentor Program is an annual program which lasts for six months, beginning in early spring and ending in early fall.

E-mentoring Program

As an e-Mentor, you can impact more than one student because you are not assigned to an individual student and are not required to have any in-person contact. Instead, your contact information is made available to our students on our online directory so that students can contact you by email with their questions. You respond at your convenience.