November 19, 2009: Chapman Dialogue with Jesse H. Choper, Earl Warren Professor of
Public Law, University of California, Berkeley, Boalt Hall School of Law
The Future of the Supreme Court -- Liberal or Conservative and What That Really Means.
October 30, 2009: Nexus Journal Symposium: The 80th Anniversary of the Great Crash
of 1929: Law, Markets and the Role of the State, with Keynote Presentations by Tom
Campbell and Timothy Canova.
Economic & Regulatory Landscape in the Aftermath of the Great Depression
Federal Financial Regulatory Reform
Practical and Theoretical Implications of Public Sector Financial Reform
Keynote Presentation: Impact of the Recession on California & the Local Economy
October 20, 2009: Chapman Dialogue with Rachel F. Moran
Transformative Law.
October 08, 2009: Chapman Dialogue with Lino A. Graglia
The Seattle School Case Paradox: How can Race Discrimination be Constitutionally
Required One Day and Constitutionally Prohibited the Next?
September 24, 2009
Battle of the Deans, Eastman vs. Chemerinsky
August 28, 2009: Chapman Dialogue with Eric S. Janus, President and Dean, William
Mitchell College of Law
Preventative Detention: Sex Abusers and Terrorists
August 7, 2009: Chapman Journal of Criminal Justice Symposium: Specialty Courts in
Criminal Justice: Challenges and Opportunities, with Keynote Presentation by Honorable
Peggy Hora
- Therapeutic Jurisprudence/Drug Courts
- DUI Courts
- Keynote Presentation
- Mental Health Courts
- Domestic Violence Courts
May 22, 2009
Fowler School of Law Commencement Ceremony
April 21, 2009: Debate featuring John Yoo
Presidential Powers in Time of Crisis
April 2, 2009: Chapman Dialogue with Robert A. Williams Jr.
Why the United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and No One Else Voted Against
the United Nations Declaration on Indigenous Rights: The 'Implementation Gap' in the
English Common Law Settler States.
March 26, 2009: Climate Change Symposium
- View Part 1
- View Part 2
- View Part 3
March 20, 2009: Chapman Dialogue with Laura Gomez
Manifest Destinies: The Making of the Mexican American Race.
March 13, 2009: Chapman Dialogue with Nadine Strossen
Conversation on Constitutional Civil Liberties.
February 27, 2009: Nexus Journal Symposium: "Judicial Activism: Same Sex Marriage
and the Aftermath of Proposition 8."
February 26, 2009: Chapman Dialogue with Stephen Zamora
Amending NAFTA.
February 23, 2009: Chapman Dialogue with Richard Epstein
Positive Rights in a World of Scarcity.
February 13, 2009: Chapman Dialogue with Dale Whitman
Why the Mortgage Market Crashed and What Can Be Done About It.
February 10, 2009: Chapman Dialogue with Albie Sachs
Light on a Hill: The Constitutional Court of South Africa
January 30, 2009: Chapman Law Review Symposium, Lincoln's Constitutionalism in Time
of War: Lessons for the Current War on Terror?
View Panel 1
View Panel 2
View Panel 3
January 16, 2009: Chapman Dialogue with Irwin P. Stotzky
Immigration Reform: What's Next?