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»Fowler School of Law Faculty News Archives
An archive of Fowler School of Law faculty's appearances and citations in media and
journals. For the latest faculty news, visit our Faculty in the News page.
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December 2015
- In mid-December 2015, Associate Dean Donald Kochan's article, Dealing with Dirty Deeds: Matching Nemo Dat Preferences with Property Law Pragmatism, was published as the lead article in Volume 64 of the University of Kansas Law Review.
- Associate Dean Donald Kochan's recent draft symposium article, Incumbent Landscapes, Disruptive Uses: Perspectives on Marijuana-Related Land Use Control, to be published in 2016 in the Texas A&M School of Law's Journal of Property Law, was highlighted on December 16, 2015 on both the Legal Theory Blog and the Land Use Prof Blog.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda published an op-ed entitled Judicial Campaigns and the Appearance of Impropriety on the Verdict section of Justia.com on December 21, 2015.
- Professor Hugh Hewitt served as co-panelist for the final 2015 Republican presidential primary debate, which aired on CNN on December 15, 2015. Following the debate, he was lauded for his interaction with candidate Donald Trump in an article entitled Did a debate moderator just get Donald Trump to back down? Yes. Yes he did. in The Washington Post on December 16, 2015.
- In mid-December 2015, Associate Dean Donald Kochan's article, Dealing with Dirty Deeds: Matching Nemo Dat Preferences with Property Law Pragmatism, was published as the lead article in Volume 64 of the University of Kansas Law Review.
- Associate Dean Donald Kochan's recent draft symposium article, Incumbent Landscapes, Disruptive Uses: Perspectives on Marijuana-Related Land Use Control, to be published in 2016 in the Texas A&M School of Law's Journal of Property Law, was highlighted on December 16, 2015 on both the Legal Theory Blog and the Land Use Prof Blog.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda published an op-ed entitled Donald Trump's Campaign Financing Dodge on the Verdict section of Justia.com on December 7, 2015.
- Dean Tom Campbell published an op-ed entitled Increasing benefits without reducing jobs in The Orange County Register on December 5, 2015.
November 2015
- Professor Marisa Cianciarulo's article entitled Seventeen Years Since the Sunset: The Expiration of 245(i) and Its Effects on U.S. Citizens Married to Undocumented Immigrants was chosen as the featured article of the day on the ImmigrationProf Blog on December 2, 2015.
- Professor Ernesto Hernandez-Lopez's article entitled Sriracha Shutdown: Hot Sauce Lessons on Local Privilege and Race was published in the Seton Hall Law Review.
- Associate Dean Donald Kochan became an inaugural co-editor this month of the Property Section of the popular online legal theory journal JOTWELL | The Journal of Things We Like (Lots).
- Dean Tom Campbell published an op-ed entitled West should create safe zone for Syrian refugees in The Orange County Register on November 28, 2015.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda published an op-ed entitled A Minimum Wage of Zero on the Verdict section of Justia.com on November 23, 2015.
- Professor Michael Bazyler was interviewed in an article entitled Holocaust Survivors Go Hungry as Israel Court Battle Locks Up Cash in the newspaper The Forward on November 12, 2015.
- Professor Kurt Eggert's work as Director of Chapman's Alona Cortese Elder Law Center was highlighted in an article entitled "Chapman's Alona Cortese Elder Law Center provides free legal services to seniors" and published in The Orange County Register on November 16, 2015.
- Professor Michael Bazyler was quoted in an article entitled Holocaust Survivors Go Hungry as Israel Court Battle Locks Up Cash on Forward.com on November 12, 2015.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda wrote an op-ed entitled Cameras in the Supreme Court for the Verdict section of Justia.com on November 9, 2015.
- Professor Michael Bazyler gave a presentation entitled From the Woman in Gold to the Manuscripts in Gold: The Precedent of Holocaust Litigation as part of a panel discussion entitled Looted Art: Stealing Cultural Heritage at Chapman University in October. The Orange County Register published an article about the event on November 8, 2015.
October 2015
- Professor Ronald Rotunda's treatise, Legal Ethics: The Lawyer's Deskbook On Professional Responsibility (co-authored with John S. Dzienkowski) was cited in the October 30, 2015 opinion by the Court of Appeals of Kansas in in the case of Alt v. Kansas Department of Revenue, 2015 WL 6621620 (Kan. Ct. App. Oct. 30, 2015).
- Associate Dean Donald Kochan's article entitled Constituencies and Contemporaneousness in Reason-Giving: Thoughts and Direction After T-Mobile was published in the Cardozo Law Review, Volume 37, Number 1 (2015).
- Professor Lawrence Rosenthal's article entitled The Limits of Second Amendment Originalism and the Constitutional Case for Gun Control was published in the Washington University Law Review, Volume 92, Number 5 (2015).
- Professor Ronald Rotunda published an op-ed entitled Dred Scott After Nearly Two Centuries for the Verdict section of Justia.com on October 26, 2015.
- Professor Hernandez-Lopez's paper Sriracha Shutdown: Hot Sauce Lessons on Local Privilege and Race was featured on the Immigration Prof Blog on October 20, 2015; the Legal Theory Blog on October 22, 2015; and the Property Prof Blog on October 23, 2015.
- Professor Tom W. Bell was interviewed on the Isaac Morehouse podcast entitled Podcast 35: Tom W. Bell on Competing Legal Systems and Charter Cities on October 19, 2015.
- Dean Tom Campbell wrote an op-ed entitled How high court got so divided, and how to fix it published in The Orange County Register on October 17, 2015.
- Professor Tom Bell spoke at the 39th annual Ohio Northern University's Law Review Symposium on Copyrights and Privacy: How Bitcoin Signatures Can Protect Both on October 16, 2015. Professor Bell was interviewed by local news station Your News Now following his presentation.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda wrote an article for the Verdict section of Justia.com entitled Regulating Lawyer Advertising When It Is Not Misleading on October 12, 2015.
- Dean Tom Campbell published an op-ed entitled Fair Pay Act doesn't spell disaster for businesses in The Orange County Register on October 10, 2015.
- Professor Abigail Patthoff's article This is Your Brain on Law School: The Impact of Fear-based Narratives on Law Students was published in the Utah Law Review (Volume 2015, Number 2).
- Professor Scott Howe's article Deselecting Biased Juries was published in the 215 Utah Law Review 289.
- Professor Julie Marzouk led a press conference at the Orange County Family Justice Center to launch the Voluntades of O.C., a coalition of legal service providers, law enforcement agencies, social service providers and the Mexican Consulate that have come together to address domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking in Orange County on October 7, 2015.
- Professor Julie Marzouk presented, Ethical and Effective Representation of Unaccompanied Minors in Domestic Violence-Based Asylum Cases, at a conference sponsored by the Latina and Latino Critical Legal Theory Association, LATCRIT 2015: 20th Anniversary Conference, on October 2, 2015. Her presentation was noted on the ImmigrationProf blog.
- Professor Michael Bazyler spoke at the Opening Plenary Session of the California Judges Association with Adjunct Professor and Justice Richard Fybel on October 9, 2015 about the Nuremberg and Eichman trials.
- Dean Tom Campbell published an op-ed entitled Boehner still has time to leave historic legacy in The Orange County Register on October 3, 2015
September 2015
- Professor Mario Mainero was mentioned in a Voice of OC article entitled Santana: Is Civic Activism Turning the Tide in OC? on September 28, 2015, addressing his participation in a proposal that would establish a county-level ethics commission.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda wrote an op-ed entitled Marriage Litigation in the Wake of Obergefell v. Hodges for the Verdict section of Justia.com on September 28, 2015.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda wrote an op-ed entitled Donald Trump and Wong Kim Ark for The Hill blog on September 28, 2015.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda wrote an op-ed entitled Do as I say, not as I do for The Washington Times on September 28, 2015.
- Professor Mario Mainero was mentioned in an article entitled Supervisors Appear Ready to Support and Ethics Commission on VoiceofOC.org on September 23, 2015. The article detailed a proposal, co-authored and supported by Professor Mainero, to establish a county-level ethics commission.
- Professor Hugh Hewitt was featured in Politico Magazine's Politico 50 list, the publication's guide to thinkers, doers and visionaries transforming American politics in 2015.
- Professor Hugh Hewitt was profiled in The Washington Post article Meet the three people moderating Wednesday's Republican presidential debate on September 16, 2015, The Orange County Register in Chapman professor Hugh Hewitt flavors debate Orange on September 16, 2015 and Bravo ✁ University accomplishments on September 17, 2015.
- Professor Rotunda published an op-ed entitled Women Lawyers in America From the 17th to the 21st Century on the Verdict section of Justia.com on September 14, 2015.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda was quoted in At the state Supreme Court, a difference of opinion on pension conflicts in Crain's Chicago Business on September 12, 2015.
- Professor Hugh Hewitt was a guest on the Politinerds podcast on September 12, 2015, where he was interviewed about his role as a moderator of the second Republican presidential primary debate to air on CNN on Wednesday, September 16.
- Professor Hugh Hewitt was profiled in an article entitled Who is Hugh Hewitt? in The Washington Post on September 4, 2015, following an interview with Republican nominee Donald Trump. He was also interviewed on NBC's Meet the Press With Chuck Todd on September 6, 2015, and CNN on September 8, 2015.
- Dean Tom Campbell published an op-ed entitled New episode of budget drama much like the last in The Orange County Register on September 8, 2015.
August 2015
- Professor Ronald Rotunda published an op-ed entitled The Rise and Fall (and Rise) of Anti-Semitism Here and Abroad on the Verdict section of Justia.com on August 31, 2015.
- Professor Sam Ernst's article Trolls or Toll-Takers: Do Intellectual Property Non-Practicing Entities Add Value to Society? was featured on the Legal Theory Blog on August 28, 2015.
- On August 25, 2015, the Property Prof Blog highlighted Associate Dean Donald Kochan's forthcoming work entitled Dealing with Dirty Deeds: Matching Nemo Dat Preferences with Property Law Pragmatism, to be published in October as the lead article this fall in Volume 64 of the Kansas Law Review.
- Professor Scott W. Howe's article, Moving Beyond Miranda: Concessions for Confessions ✁ recently accepted for a 2016 publication in Volume 110 of the Northwestern University Law Review ✁ was highlighted on the Legal Theory Blog on August 25, 2015.
- Dean Tom Campbell published an op-ed entitled Water bond won't help catch El Nino rains in The Orange County Register on August 22, 2015.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda published Judges Who Broadcast Their Imprudent and Injudicious Behavior on the Verdict section of Justia.com on August 17, 2015.
- Dean Tom Campbell published an op-ed entitled How to lift the lid on workers' pay in The Orange County Register on August 16, 2015.
- Associate Dean Donald Kochan's forthcoming work entitled Dealing with Dirty Deeds: Matching Nemo Dat Preferences with Property Law Pragmatism, to be published as the lead article this fall in Volume 64 of the Kansas Law Review, was highlighted on August 12, 2015, on both The Legal Theory Blog.
- Dean Tom Campbell published an op-ed entitled High court roils waters of antitrust law in The Orange County Register on August 8, 2015.
- Professor Anthony Caso was quoted in a Bloomberg BNA Health Law Reporter article entitled Second Go at Docs vs. Glocks' Case Ends With Rejection of Doctors' Free Speech Claim on August 6, 2015.
- Professor Lawrence Rosenthal was quoted in The Orange County Register article Legal experts about Santa Ana police pot-raid video: Ridiculous' on August 5, 2015.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda published Higher Education and Teaching English on the Education section of Justia.com on August 3, 2015.
- Dean Tom Campbell published an op-ed entitled Nuremberg: A legacy of international justice in The Orange County Register on August 2, 2015.
July 2015
- Professor Lawrence Rosenthal was quoted in The Orange County Register article Family wasn't obliged to turn in dad in Snowbird Bandit' case on July 27, 2015.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda published an op-ed entitled The Celgard Decision and Lawyer Disqualification on the Law Practice section of Justia.com on July 20, 2015.
- Dean Tom Campbell published an op-ed entitled States can't pick and choose among U.S. laws in The Orange County Register on July 19, 2015.
- Professor Ernesto Hernández-López was quoted in the article Drop That Snack! in the August/September issue of Reason magazine.
- Professor Tom Bell spoke on freedom of speech in a new video posted in the Institute for Humane Studies' Learn Liberty online video series.
- Professor Larry Rosenthal was quoted in the Los Angeles Times article L.A. files few charges in Ferguson police shooting protests despite mass arrests on July 16, 2015.
- Professor Denis Binder was quoted in The Orange County Register article Controversy brewing on Catalina Island on July 15, 2015.
- Dean Tom Campbell published an op-ed in The Orange County Register entitled How ISIS could help Greece with its finances on July 12, 2015.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda published an op-ed entitled Shooting a Wedding is Different from Taking a Passport Photo on the National Review website on July 9, 2015.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda published an article entitled Expanding Tort Liability to Protect Other's Unusually Sensitive Sense' of Personal Dignity (Part I) on July 6, 2015, and Expanding Definition of Tort Liability: The Impact on The Future of Tort Law (Part II) on Casetext on July 8, 2015.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda published an op-ed entitled Requiem for the Export-Import Bank on the Verdict section of Justia.com on July 6, 2015.
- Dean Tom Campbell published an op-ed entitled Arbitrary term limits hinder African security in The Orange County Register on July 2, 2015.
- Professor Tom Bell was quoted in the ABC 7 Eyewitness News story Buena Park Auto Trading Company Sues Man for Bad Yelp Review on July 1, 2015.
June 2015
- Professor Tom Bell was quoted in Online Poker Ban Gains Support in U.S. Senate on the Heartland Institute's website on June 26, 2015.
- Professor Michael Bazyler's book Forgotten Trials of the Holocaust was reviewed in the most recent volume of The New York Review of Books.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda published an op-ed entitled Thin-Skinned and Upset? Call a Lawyer in the Wall Street Journal on June 22, 2015.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda published an op-ed entitled Disciplining Lawyers Who Engage in Moral Turpitude on the Verdict section of Justia.com on June 22, 2015.
- Dean Tom Campbell published an op-ed in The Orange County Register entitled Making humans more of a priority for water on June 21, 2015.
- In mid-June 2015, Associate Dean Donald J. Kochan's latest article, "A Framework for Understanding Property Regulation and Land Use Control from a Dynamic Perspective," was published in the Michigan Journal of Environmental & Administrative Law. Dean Kochan's article was highlighted on June 15 on the Legal Theory Blog, June 15 on the Land Use Prof Blog, and on the Property Prof Blog on June 22, 2015.
- Professor Hugh Hewitt served as a guest panelist on NBC's Meet the Press with Chuck Todd on June 14, 2015.
- Dean Tom Campbell published an op-ed entitled Presidents have shirked constitutional oath in The Orange County Register on June 12, 2015.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda published an op-ed article entitled The Government Campaign to Weaken Religion on the verdict section of Justia.com on June 9, 2015.
- Dean Tom Campbell published an op-ed entitled Spend cap-and-trade cash on water, not train in The Orange County Register on June 7, 2015.
- Professors Hugh Hewitt and John Eastman co-wrote an op-ed in The Orange County Register entitled Stop Common Core coercion on June 7, 2015.
May 2015
- Professor Kenneth Stahl presented his paper "Local Home Rule in the Time of Globalization" on the "Legal Production of Urban Space" panel at the Law and Society Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington on May 29, 2015.
- Dean Tom Campbell published an op-ed entitled Floods of refugees call for multinational effort in The Orange County Register on May 31, 2015.
- Professor Marisa Cianciarulo was quoted in The Orange County Register article In Orange County, both sides hopeful on immigration, published on May 31, 2015.
- Professor Hugh Hewitt published an op-ed on the Washington Examiner online entitled Congress's shameful Patriot Act brinksmanship on May 31, 2015.
- Dean Tom Campbell's essay Conditionality as Opposed to Severability was featured on the Legal Theory Blog on May 25, 2015.
- Dean Tom Campbell published an op-ed entitled A smarter way to help low-income workers in The Orange County Register on May 24, 2015.
- Dean Tom Campbell published an essay entitled Conditionality as Opposed to Severability on the Emory Law Journal Online in response to an essay titled Severability as Conditionality in the publication's recent print edition.
- Dean Tom Campbell was quoted an article in The Orange County Register entitled Victorious San Juan Capistrano water users want a refund on May 18, 2015.
- Dean Tom Campbell published an op-ed in The Orange County Register entitled Retirement's role in improving job numbers on May 17, 2015.
- Professor Tom Bell's essay As Newton Meets the A-Bomb, So Locke Meets Copyright was published on the Online Library of Law and Liberty on May 17, 2015.
- Dean Tom Campbell's op-ed entitled Trans-Pacific trade deal will lift all economies was published in The Orange County Register on May 10, 2015.
- Professor Ernesto Hernández-López was quoted about barbecue restaurant smokehouse regulation in Austin, Texas in a Reason article by Baylen Linnekin, Will Austin Proposal to Control' Barbecue Cause Beloved Food Scene to Go Up in Smoke? on May 9, 2015.
- Associate Dean Donald Kochan's work, Constituencies and Contemporaneousness in Reason-Giving: Thoughts and Direction after T-Mobile, forthcoming as the lead article in the latest volume of the Cardozo Law Review this fall, was acknowledged on Yale Law School's Comparative Administrative Law Blog on May 9, 2015.
- Associate Dean Donald Kochan's article Keepings, which is forthcoming later this year as the lead article in the fall issue of the New York University Environmental Law Journal, was highlighted on the Wealth Strategies Journal Blog on May 6, 2015, and on the Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog on May 8, 2015.
- Professor Marisa Cianciarulo was quoted in the May 6, 2015 Orange County Register article Subsidized health care, discrimination ban, Office of New Americans and more: Lawmakers want to further protect immigrants. She was also quoted in the May 5, 2015 Orange County Register article They can't vote, but undocumented immigrants are California's newest political force.
- Dean Tom Campbell's op-ed Focus budget process on debt, not politics, was published in the Orange County Register on May 1, 2015.
April 2015
- Associate Dean of Academic Affairs Daniel Bogart served as senior contributing editor for the fifth edition of Friedman on Leases, the most widely used treatise on commercial lease law and practice.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda wrote an op-ed for the Verdict section of Justia.com, entitled The Way of Death in the Netherlands, Oregon, and Perhaps, California on April 27, 2015.
- Dean Tom Campbell evaluated Governor Jerry Brown's Five Year Infrastructure Plan in an Orange County Register op-ed entitled Getting the most out of California's water and published April 24, 2015.
- Assistant Professor Samuel F. Ernst wrote a guest post, Of Printer Cartridges and Patent Exhaustion: The En Banc Federal Circuit is Poised to Clarify Quanta, for the Patentlyo.com blog on April 21, 2015.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda was profiled by the Champaign-Urbana News-Gazette on April 16, 2015 in the article Former UI law prof having too much fun to retire.'
- Professor Larry Rosenthal was interviewed by NBC4 television news reporter Vikki Vargas on April 16, 2015, in OC Prosecutor Appeals Sentence for Man Who Sodomized 3-Year-Old, a story addressing the highly publicized Kevin Rojano-Nieto case.
- Professor Mario Mainero was quoted in an April 16, 2015 Voice of OC story OC's Political Ethics Enforcement (or lack thereof) Subject of Forum, on the efforts to launch a ballot initiative to create an Orange County Ethics Commission. Professor Mainero is co-author of the proposed ordinance discussed in the story.
- Associate Dean Donald Kochan's article "Keepings," which is forthcoming later this year as the lead article in the Fall issue of the New York University Environmental Law Journal, was described as (v)ery interesting and highly recommended by the Legal Theory Blog on April 6, 2015. The article's abstract was also posted on the PropertyProf Blog on April 16, 2015.
- Associate Professor David Gibbs contributed a summary of the proposed California Bar admission requirements for new lawyers on the Law Professor Blogs Network April 14, 2015. The proposal, requiring new lawyers to complete 15 units of experiential learning and 50 hours of pro bono service, was discussed at a March workshop at Chapman University Fowler School of Law convened by Fowler School of Law Associate Dean Daniel Bogart.
- One of Associate Dean Donald Kochan's latest works, "Constituencies and Contemporaneousness in Reason-Giving: Thoughts and Direction after T-Mobile," forthcoming as the lead article in the latest volume of the Cardozo Law Review this Fall, was mentioned on the Legal Theory Blog on April 8, 2015.
- Professor Sam Ernst will be the featured speaker discussing "Patent Exhaustion ✁ The First Sale Doctrine and Other Key Considerations" at the San Diego Intellectual Property Law Association dinner at the Del Mar Marriott on April 28, 2015.
- Professor Tom Bell's research was cited in Special economic zones: Political priority, economic gamble, which appeared in the April 4, 2015 edition of The Economist (print and online). The article included a graph prepared by Professor Bell on the number of worldwide special economic zones.
- Professor Bobby Dexter contributed his tax expertise in the article, Countdown to Tax Day: WalletHub's 2015 Expert Tips, on wallethub.com.
- Professor Frank Doti was a featured expert on CardHub.com on April 1, 2015, where he discussed Common Tax Scams & Tips for Avoiding Fraud.
March 2015
- Professor Ronald Rotunda's Constitutional Law (8th ed. 2010) treatise (co-authored with John E. Nowak) was quoted in the March 27, 2015 opinion by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in the case of Phillips v. City of Dallas, 781 F.3d 772 (5th Cir. 2015).
- Professor Ronald Rotunda wrote an op-ed for the "Verdict" section of Justia.com, entitled Is the Federal Government Really a State, if the IRS Says It Is? on March 30, 2015.
- Professor Kurt Eggert was quoted on March 16, 2015 in Is there science to March Madness? Yes, but professors say beware of human error on Chapman University's Happenings blog.
- Dean Tom Campbell, and Professors Ronald Rotunda and John Eastman were quoted in the March 22, 2015 Orange County Register article Is it time to change the 14th Amendment giving citizenship to those born here?
- Professor Ronald Rotunda published King v. Burwell and the Rise of the Administrative State in the Miami Business Review, Volume 28, p. 267 (2015). The article was mentioned in the March 22 Washington Post.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda wrote an op-ed for the "Verdict" section of Justia.com, entitled Lawyers Lying in Negotiations on March 16, 2015.
- On March 16, 2015, The Legal Theory Blog published an abstract to Professor Samuel Ernst's forthcoming article Protecting the Boundaries: Unclaimed Consideration in the Patentee's Social Contract (forthcoming in Tulane Journal of Technology & Intellectual Property, Volume 18).
- Professor Ronald Rotunda published "Hillary's Emails and the Law" in the March 16 issue of The Wall Street Journal. The article was subsequently mentioned in the blog Universal Journal Review and other blogs as well as in a Fox News television report on the story.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda wrote an op-ed for the "Verdict" section of Justia.com, entitled Protecting Rights in the Supreme Court on March 2, 2015.
- As reported in the Washington Examiner, Professor Hugh Hewitt has been selected to participate in the Q&A segment of the first of three Republican presidential primary debates on September 16, 2015. Professor Hewitt, who also hosts a nationally syndicated radio talk show, will invite the candidates to join him on a special airing of his show at the conclusion of the debate to discuss pressing issues facing the nation.
February 2015
- Professor Michael Bazyler published The late trials of the Holocaust on the NYU Press blog fromthesqauare.org on February 19, 2015 (co-authored with Frank Tuerkheimer).
- Professor Samuel Ernst published The Federal Circuit's New Authorized Acquirer Restriction on Patent Exhaustion on Patentlyo.com blog on February 16, 2015.
- Associate Dean Donald Kochan's article, Bubbles (or, Some Reflections on the Basic Laws of Human Relations), 26 Fordham Environmental Law Review 133 (2015), was published in February and mentioned on the PropertyProf Blog on February 5 and the CrimProf Blog on February 11.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda wrote an op-ed for the "Verdict" section of Justia.com, entitled The House of Representatives Lawsuit Against the Executive Branch on February 2, 2015.
- Professor Julie Marzouk was quoted in Battered Lives: Breaking the Cycle of Domestic Abuse Hard for Immigrant Families on Voice of OC on February 2, 2015.
January 2015
- On January 25, 2015, Professor Hugh Hewitt appeared as a panelist on the NBC News Sunday show Meet The Press. For clips, see here (on Iran,the Middle East, and terrorism), here (on the 2016 election) and here (on teaching at Chapman and Muslims in America).
- Professor Hugh Hewitt wrote an op-ed in the Washington Examiner, entitled All 2016 GOP Presidential Candidates Should Listen to Mitt Romney on January 18, 2015.
- Dean Tom Campbell wrote an op-ed in the Orange County Register, entitled Members of Congress Need Ability to Challenge President in Court on January 18, 2015.
- Dean Donald Kochan presented his paper, "A Framework for Understand Property Regulation & Land Use Control from a Dynamic Perspective" at a faculty workshop at Marquette University Law School on January 14, 2015.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda wrote an op-ed for the "Verdict" section of Justia.com, entitled The President's Power to Waive the Immigration Laws on January 12, 2015.
- Professor Hugh Hewitt wrote an op-ed in the Washington Examiner, entitled Renominating Romney on January 11, 2015.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda was quoted in Calif. Real-World Training Rules May Spark National Trend on Law360 on January 9, 2015.
- Dean Tom Campbell wrote an op-ed in the Orange County Register, entitled Americans Accept Less Security in Order to Preserve Liberties on January 8, 2015.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda was ranked the #1 Most Cited Faculty Whose Scholarship is Partially in Professional Responsibility or the Legal Profession on the Legal Ethics Forum on January 5, 2015.
- Professor Lan Cao was a panelist at the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Annual Meeting for the AALS Biolaw Section program on "Ebola and the Law" on January 5, 2015 in Washington, D.C.
- Professor Hugh Hewitt wrote an op-ed in the Washington Examiner, entitled Pope Francis Sends Message in Creating New Cardinals on January 4, 2015.
December 2014
- Professor Tom W. Bell's book Intellectual Privilege: Copyright, Common Law, and the Common Good was included in The Best Books We Read This Year list on Live Mint on December 31, 2014.
- Professor Frank Doti wrote Planning Estate Gifts Benefits Charity and Heirs in the Orange County Register on December 30, 2014.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda wrote an op-ed for the "Verdict" section of Justia.com, entitled Jonathan Gruber and the Wisdom of Crowds on December 29, 2014.
- Professor Hugh Hewitt wrote an op-ed in the Washington Examiner, entitled Common Core Will Be Defining Issue for GOP Presidential Contenders in 2015 on December 28, 2014.
- Dean Tom Campbell wrote an op-ed in the Orange County Register, entitled Private Plaintiffs Could Sue Over Obama's Executive Orders on December 23, 2014.
- Professor Hugh Hewitt wrote an op-ed in the Washington Examiner, entitled Jeb Called Go, and They're Off on December 21, 2014.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda wrote an op-ed for the "Verdict" section of Justia.com, entitled The Ferguson, Missouri, Tragedy and the Future of Eyewitness Identification on December 15, 2014.
- Professor Hugh Hewitt wrote an op-ed in the Washington Examiner, entitled New GOP Senate Should Put the brakes on Obama Judges on December 14, 2014.
- Dean Tom Campbell wrote an op-ed in the Orange County Register, entitled Iran Has Nothing to Fear from an Irresolute American President on December 7, 2014.
- Professor Hugh Hewitt wrote an op-ed in the Washington Examiner, entitled Lame-Duck Congress Tries to Deliver a Lump of Coal to Military Families on December 7, 2014.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda wrote an op-ed for the "Verdict" section of Justia.com, entitled The Mystery of Case Assignment in the Ninth Circuit on December 1, 2014.
- In December 2014, Professor Samuel Ernst published the 2014-2015 supplement to the Patents chapter in the treatise BUSINESS AND COMMERCIAL LITIGATION IN FEDERAL COURTS (3rd Ed.) (with co-author Honorable Timothy B. Dyk). Learn more.
November 2014
- Professor Hugh Hewitt wrote an op-ed in the Washington Examiner, entitled A Catholic Philosopher's Courageous Battle against Hitler on November 30, 2014.
- Dean Tom Campbell wrote an op-ed in the Orange County Register, entitled Obama Just Using the Immigration Power Congress Gave Him on November 26, 2014.
- Professor Lawrence Rosenthal was a guest speaker on KPCC AirTalk for Breaking Down the $140 Million Payout from LAUSD to Miramonte Abuse Plaintiffs on November 24, 2014.
- Professor Hugh Hewitt wrote GOP Senate Class of 2014 is Broad and Deep on November 9, 2014 and Message to Senate GOP: Don't Surrender by Restoring Judicial Filibuster on November 23, 2014 in the Washington Examiner.
- Dean Tom Campbell wrote an op-ed in the Orange County Register, entitled Use Cap-and-Trade Revenue to Lower Business Tax Rates on November 21, 2014.
- Professor Tom W. Bell and his recent book Intellectual Privilege: Copyright, Common Law, and the Common Good were featured in Copyright Law Is Creating an Information Oligarchy, Not an Information Democracy on Forbes.com on November 18, 2014.
- Professor Hugh Hewitt wrote an op-ed in the Washington Examiner, entitled Let's Kill the Iran Deal on November 16, 2014.
- Professor Deepa Badrinarayana wrote an op-ed in the Orange County Register, entitled A Largely Symbolic U.S.-China Climate Deal on November 14, 2014.
- Dean Tom Campbell wrote an op-ed in the Orange County Register, entitled Does Obamacare Mean What It Says, or What Congress Meant? on November 14, 2014.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda wrote an op-ed for the "Verdict" section of Justia.com, entitled The Problem of Inflating Billable Hours on November 17, 2014.
- Professor Deepa Badrinarayana wrote IPCC Response Essay #5: Security Regained, Security Lost? The Climate Change Conundrum on the Environmental Law Prof Blog on November 10, 2014.
- Dean Tom Campbell wrote an op-ed in the Orange County Register, entitled Fate of Prop. 30's Sales-tax Hike a Key to Brown's New Term on November 4, 2014.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda wrote an op-ed for the "Verdict" section of Justia.com, entitled Law Firms Creating In-House Ethics Counsel on November 3, 2014.
- Professor Hugh Hewitt wrote an op-ed in the Washington Examiner, entitled Democrats about to Pay for Supporting the Failed President Obama on November 2, 2014.
October 2014
- Professor Hugh Hewitt wrote A Resounding GOP Victory Needed to Wake Obama from His Dangerous Slumber in the Washington Examiner on October 26, 2014.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda wrote an op-ed for the "Verdict" section of Justia.com, entitled The Military Commissions Are Still Proceeding on October 20, 2014.
- Professor Tom W. Bell was quoted in Remember Naugles? Trademark Battle with Del Taco to Decide Fate of Iconic Chain in the Orange County Register on October 14, 2014.
- Professor Hugh Hewitt wrote Obama's Political Interests are Getting in the Way of Protecting Kobani from the Islamic State in the Washington Examiner on October 12, 2014.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda wrote an op-ed for the "Verdict" section of Justia.com, entitled Civil Forfeiture in Philadelphia on October 6, 2014.
- Professor John Eastman was quoted in Why the Supreme Court Punted on Gay Marriage on POLITICO.com on October 6, 2014.
- Dean Tom Campbell wrote an op-ed in the Orange County Register entitled Get Congress on Record before Election about Syria Bombing on October 3, 2014.
- Dean Tom Campbell was featured in How to Force Congress to Vote on Obama's War Against the Islamic State on Yahoo! News on October 3, 2014.
- Professor Judd Funk was interviewed by the United States Embassy Wellington during a visit to New Zealand on October 1, 2014.
September 2014
- Professor Ronald Rotunda authored an op-ed for the "Verdict" section of Justia.com, entitled A Special Counsel to Investigate the IRS Targeting of Tea Party Groups on September 29, 2014.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda spoke on the Think Forward panel of the TEDxOrangeCoast Annual Conference on September 19, 2014.
- Professor Samuel Ernst's article Patent Exhaustion for the Exhausted Defendant: Should Parties Be Able to Contract Around Exhaustion in Settling Patent Litigation? was published on September 14, 2014 in the University of Illinois Journal of Law, Technology & Policy, Volume 2014, Issue 2 (2014).
- Professor Ronald Rotunda authored an op-ed for the "Verdict" section of Justia.com, entitled IRS Monitoring Religious Groups on September 14, 2014.
- Dean Tom Campbell wrote an op-ed in the Orange County Register entitled Congress should decide on new attacks on ISIS on September 9, 2014.
- Professor Abigail Patthoff's recent scholarly article This is Your Brain on Law School: The Impact of Fear-Based Narratives on Law Students was the topic of The Wall Street Journal Law Blog entitled Fear-Based Instruction Can be Harmful to Law Students, Says Paper on September 2, 2014.
August 2014
- Professor Tom W. Bell's book Intellectual Privilege: Copyright, Common Law, and the Common Good was recommended by the Legal Theory Bookworm, a weekly segment on the Legal Theory Blog, on August 30, 2014. The Legal Theory Bookworm selects one book each Sunday to feature for fellow scholars.
- Dean Tom Campbell wrote an op-ed in the Orange County Register entitled U.S. needs Scotland to stay in the UK on August 29, 2014.
- The LAWeekly Blog recommended a Los Angeles bookstore reading by Professor Lan Cao from her new novel, The Lotus and the Storm, as one of its 5 Eclectic Things to Do in LA This Week for $12 or Less on August 29, 2014. The blog praised Professor Cao's new book as a high-profile follow-up to her best-selling debut.
- Dean Tom Campbell wrote an op-ed in the Orange County Register entitled Find common ground for fair tax policy on August 19, 2014 (subscription required).
- Professor Ronald Rotunda was recently selected by his peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America© 2015 in the fields of Ethics and Professional Responsibility Law (subscription required).
- Professor David Gibbs was recently selected by his peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in Los Angeles 2015 in the field of Alternative Dispute Resolution.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda is a member of a panel of academic contributors to the 10th edition of Black's Law Dictionary, which has just been published.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda authored an op-ed for the "Verdict" section of Justia.com, entitled Suing the President on August 18, 2014.
- Professor Linda Kawaguchi's recently published article Introduction to Dodge v. Ford Motor Co.: Primary Source and Commentary Material was mentioned on August 12, on the Legal History Blog.
- Dean Tom Campbell authored an op-ed for the Orange County Register entitled Challenges to Obamacare rulings could backfire on GOP on August 8, 2014.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda authored an op-ed for the "Verdict" section of Justia.com, entitled Using Facebook as a Discovery Device on August 4, 2014.
- Professor Hugh Hewitt authored The border bill House Republicans should have passed in the Washington Examiner on August 3, 2014.
- Dean Tom Campbell authored an op-ed for the Orange County Register entitled "New EPA Water Rules Could Drive Property Rights into a Ditch on August 1, 2014.
July 2014
- Professor Ronald Rotunda's Treatise on Constitutional Law: Substance and Procedure (co-authored with John E. Nowak) was cited in the July 31, 2014 Wisconsin Supreme Court opinion in the case involving Wisconsin's changes to its collective bargaining law, Madison Teachers, Inc. v. Scott Walker, 2014 WL 3744524 (Wisconsin Supreme Court, July 31, 2014). Professor Rotunda's constitutional law treatise has been cited over 2,000 times in state and federal courts as well as foreign courts.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda testified before The United States House of Representatives Judiciary Committee for a hearing on "The IRS Targeting Scandal: The Need for a Special Counsel." View his full testimony that was mentioned on Jewish Pulse Radio, The Patriot Underground, The Christian Post and WND.com.
- Dean Tom Campbell authored an op-ed for the Orange County Register entitled "Is there a right way to ban job bias based on sexual orientation?" on July 25, 2014.
- Professor Tom Bell discusses his new book Intellectual Privilege: Copyright, Common Law, and the Common Good on Reason TV.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda authored an op-ed for the "Verdict" section of Justia.com, entitled "Banning the Export of American Oil" on July 21, 2014.
- Professor Hugh Hewitt authored "Make the Border Kids Americans" in Politico Magazine on July 17, 2014.
- Dean Tom Campbell authored an op-ed for the Orange County Register entitled Limiting Campaign Cash without Rewriting Constitution on July 11, 2014.
- Dean Donald Kochan's article While Effusive, Conclusory is Still Quite Elusive: The Story of a Word, Iqbal, and a Perplexing Lexical Inquiry of Supreme Importance, 73 University of Pittsburgh Law Review 215 (2011), was cited in a United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania opinion on July 8, 2014 for the case of Burnett v. Springfield Township.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda authored an op-ed for the Verdict section of Justia.com, entitled Changes in the Legal Profession and the Progress of Female Lawyers on July 7, 2014.
- Professor Samuel Ernst authored "Does the California Eraser Law Withstand Dormant Commerce Clause Scrutiny? Does it Do Any Good At All?" in the Orange County Lawyer magazine (July 2014).
June 2014
- Dean Tom Campbell authored an op-ed for the Orange County Register entitled "Resistance to Centralized Authority Grows in Europe" on June 26, 2014.
- Dean Tom Campbell was interviewed on "McIntyre in the Morning" on KABC Talkradio. The interviewer mentioned his recent op-ed "Tom Campbell: Is it Smart to Say When U.S. Would Use Military Force?" in the Orange County Register on June 16, 2014.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda authored Increasing Revenue by Lowering Taxes in the Verdict section of Justia.com on June 23, 2014.
- Professor Hugh Hewitt was featured in Hewitt: Raul Labrador as Majority Leader Can Stun the Media Elites' and Shake up America on Breitbart.com on June 16, 2014.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda was quoted in The Hillary Tapes in The Washington Free Beacon on June 15, 2014.
- Professor Marisa S. Cianciarulo's article "Unauthorized Americans and European Outcasts" was the ImmigrationProf BlogImmigration Article of the Day on June 11, 2014.
- Professor Bart J. Wilson was featured in CardHub'sAsk the Experts series about the pros and cons of payday loans on June 8, 2014.
- Professor Lan Cao's book The Lotus and the Storm was featured in the Summer Books Preview 2014 in TheLos Angeles Times.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda authored an op-ed for the Verdict section of Justia.com, entitled Amending the First Amendment on June 9, 2014. The story was mentioned in the ABA Journal online and the Washington Examiner[link no longer active].
- Professor John Hall has lent his WWI collection to the Chapman University Leatherby Library Frank Mt. Pleasant Library of Special Collections & Archives. The collection was described in the Orange County Register Chapman University section on May 27, 2014. The story was also shared in the Orange County Register on June 4, 2014.
- Professor John Eastman has been quoted in various media outlets recently, including "High Court Refuses to Block Oregon Gay Marriage" on ABC News and IRS Sued By The National Organization For Marriage For Leaking Tax Information in The Washington Free Beacon.
May 2014
- Professor Lawrence Rosenthal was quoted in "California kidnap victim faces credibility test" in the Belleville News-Democrat on May 23, 2014. The story has also been shared on other media outlets such as California News, Fox News, ABC News, The Town Talk and U.S. News.
- Professor Marisa Cianciarulo was quoted in California husband is charged with rape and kidnapping as his lawyer claims victim wife, now 25, fabricated claims because the couple was splitting after 10 years published by Associated Newspapers Ltd part of the Daily Mail on May 22, 2014. She was also quoted in Mother Persuaded Kidnapped Woman to Go to Police in The Big Story section of the Associated Press website on May 22, 2014. The story was picked up internationally and ran in numerous publications in the United States, England and Australia.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda has joined a group of over 200 leaders pledging solidarity and agreeing to speak out on behalf of ancient faith communities in Egypt, Iraq and Syria, recognizing the gravity of the situation facing religious minorities in these countries.
- Vice Chancellor and Professor Richard E. Redding was quoted in Redding: Law School Reforms Will Harm Law Students and the Legal Profession in the TaxProf Blog on May 20, 2014. The article was solely an excerpt from Redding's publication The Legal Academy Under Erasure from the Catholic University Law Review (2014).
- Professor Rita Barnett-Rose published an article in the DePaul Journal of Health Care Law (Volume 16, 2014, No. 1) entitled "Informed Consent, Psychotropic Medications, and a Prescribing Physician's Duty to Disclose Safer Alternative Treatments."
- Professor Ronald Rotunda authored an op-ed for the Verdict section of Justia.com, entitled Prayers before Meetings of the Town Board of Greece, New York on May 19, 2014.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda authored an op-ed for the Verdict section of Justia.com, entitled The Ninth Circuit Departs From Tinker in Upholding Ban on American Flag T-Shirts in School on May 12, 2014.
- Professor Anthony Caso was interviewed on Metronews Talkline and the KQED Forum Show on May 6, 2014 to discuss the decision in the United States Supreme Court case of Town of Greece, New York v. Galloway.
April 2014
- Professor Tom Bell authored Intellectual Privilege: Copyright, Common Law, and the Common Good, a book published by Mercatus Center at George Mason University.
- Professor Denis Binder was interviewed about malicious prosecution for the "Foley caught up in lawsuit" article in the Daily Pilot on April 25, 2014.
- Professor Donald Kochan published an article in the Chapman Law Review (Volume 17, Spring 2014, No. 2) entitled "Corporate Social Responsibility in a Remedy-Seeking Society: A Public Choice Perspective."
- Professor Frank Doti was featured in the "Frank Doti, Champion of Law and Order" article of the Orange County Register on April 25, 2014. The article discussed his teaching philosophy and his personal interests.
- Professor John Eastman was featured as a panelist in the "Public Forum: 'National Security Agency: Pros & Cons' with Congresswoman Maxine Waters (CA-43)" at Loyola Marymount University on April 24, 2014.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda authored an op-ed for "Verdict", Legal Analysis and Commentary on Justia.com, entitled "Using the State to Bully Dissidents" on April 24, 2014.
- Professor David Gibbs was quoted in the Christian Science Monitor article "General Mills drops arbitration clause, but such contracts are 'pervasive'" published on April 21, 2014.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda authored an op-ed for the Daily Caller entitled "Congress must hold Lois Lerner in contempt" on April 10, 2014.
- Professor Donald Kochan published an article in the Brigham Young University Law Review (Volume 2013, No. 5) entitled "Public Lands and the Federal Government's Compact-Based Duty to Dispose': A Case Study of Utah's H.B. 148 The Transfer of Public Lands Act.
- Professor Henry S. Noyes authored "The Law of Direct Democracy," a book published by Carolina Academic Press.
- Professor Tom W. Bell participated in a live debate on Intellectual Property with Professor Richard Epstein of NYU School of Law hosted by LearnLiberty.org on April 9, 2014
- Professor Samuel Ernst was a panelist at PatCon 4: The Annual Conference at the University of San Diego on April 5, 2014. His panel discussed Patent Commercialization, Financing & Markets.
- Professor Marisa S. Cianciarulo published her article "Unauthorized Americans and European Outcasts" in the Georgetown Immigration Law Journal (Vol. 27, No. 3, Spring 2013).
March 2014
- Professor John Hall traveled to Cambodia to secure 2014 summer internships opportunities for students in social justice and human rights non-governmental organizations.
- Professor Donald Kochan published an article in the Saint Louis University Law Journal (Vol. 58, No. 2, winter 2014) entitled "The Mask of Virtue: Theories of Aretaic Legislation in a Public Choice Perspective." It was reviewed as "deeply interesting & highly recommended" by Lawrence Solum in the Legal Theory Blog.
- Several professors including Bobby Dexter, Michael Lang and Robert Morrow moderated or participated on panels at the Chapman Law Review 2014 Symposium. Professor Robert Morrow also spoke at the dinner the night before the event. His article on partnership taxation will be included in the next issue of the Chapman Law Review.
- Fowler Law Dean Tom Campbell wrote a memo to the deans of every California law school regarding a proposed revision to the US News rankings. The deans supported Dean Campbell's proposal, which asks US News to consider changing how it reports job placement data, normalizing the data to reflect relative strength or weaknesses in the various state economies. The proposal was cited in recent articles in the TaxProf Blog, National Law Journal and San Francisco Recorder (subscription required for online version).
- Professor Denis Binder recently published his article "An Outsider's Perspective on Istanbul's Emergency Planning" in the Bahcesehir University Law Review Special Issue "Planning for Disaster: Place, Population, Culture and the Environment" in both Turkish and English.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda was recently named to the Association of American Law Schools' Journal of Legal Education Editorial Board. The Board consists of 12 AALS faculty members who give general policy guidance on the Journal, which addresses issues confronting legal educators, including curriculum development and legal scholarship.
February 2014
- Professor Samuel F. Ernst filed an amicus curiae letter with the California Supreme Court regarding Asahi Kasei Pharma Corporation v. Actelion Ltd., et al. Ct. of Appeal No. A133927
- Professor Donald Kochan presented a paper on February 14, 2014, at the University of Missouri School of Law on Economic Perspectives on the Fourth Generation of Environmental and Natural Resources Law, for the Journal of Environmental & Sustainability Law symposium on Environmental Law 4.0: Adaptive and Resilient."[link no longer active] (View the video of Professor Kochan's presentation)
- Professor Mario Mainero was featured in "Law schools expanding classes to teach students to pass the bar exam" in the February 14, 2014 issue of the Daily Journal (subscription required for online version) [link no longer active]
- Dean Tom Campbell was quoted in "5 key questions: How Comcast-Time Warner merger could change cable" in the Orange County Register on February 13, 2014
January 2014
- Professor Ronald Rotunda authored an op-ed for The Hill (Congressional Paper) entitled "Congress Cannot Stop the Exporting of American Oil" on January 27, 2014.
- Professor Donald Kochan provided legal commentary for a short news documentary on ReasonTV regarding eminent domain and the Bristol Street road widening project's effect on local businesses. The documentary is titled "The Real Miyagi's Dojo Threatened: Santa Ana Favors Foliage over Small Businesses."
- Professor Ronald Rotunda published an article in the Hofstra Law Review entitled "Applying the Revised ABA Model Rules in the Age of the Internet: The Problem of Metadata."
December 2013
- Professor Kurt Eggert testified before the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing, and Trade at a hearing entitled "The State of Online Gaming."
November 2013
- Professor Mario Mainero is quoted in the November 25, 2013 edition of The OC Register in Teri Sforza's column on a pension ballot proposal initiated by the Mayor of Fresno.
- Professor Kurt Eggert is quoted about the JPMorgan Chase settlement in "13 Billion, Yes, But What Took So Long?" by Gretchen Morgenson inThe New York Times.
September 2013
- Dean Tom Campbell was interviewed in the September 23 issue of the Orange County Register on the federal budget crisis.
- Sports Law Professor Leigh Steinberg was featured in the September 19, 2013 issue of the Orange County Register.
- On Monday, September 16, Professor Lawrence Rosenthal participated in a debate on the scope of Second Amendment rights with Professor Nelson Lund, Patrick Henry University Professor at George Mason University. - Volokh Conspiracy Blog
- Professor Lawrence Rosenthal's most recent article, Saving Disparate Impact, has appeared in the Cardozo Law Review.
- Professor Frank Doti is quoted in Card Hub on the effect of offshore tax evasion on the U.S. economy.
- Dean Tom Campbell was interviewed on the BBC World Service Podcast on the US Congress' vote on whether to take military action against Syria.
- Professor Ronald Rotunda recently published four op-eds: "What Did He Know, and When Did He Know It?" in the Washington Times;"Egypt's Constitutional Do-Over: This Time, Take a Closer Look at America's Bill of Rights" in The Wall Street Journal; "On the Healthcare Mandate, Obama Reaches Beyond the Law" in the Washington Post; and "The Boston Strangler, the Classroom and Me" in The Wall Street Journal.
August 2013
- Professor Lawrence Rosenthal discusses the Paula Deen case settlement
- Professor Leigh Steinberg discusses his unique approach to teaching sports law
June 2013
- Professor Tom Caso is quoted in the Associated Press on the recent Supreme Court ruling in Arizona v. Inter-Tribal Council of Arizona. He also published an op-ed on the decision's affect on voters in the Bloomberg News blog that the Dallas Morning News republished
- Dean Tom Campbell is quoted on Ethiopia's Blue Nile Gorge Project and Ethiopia's possible case in the International Court of Justice.
- Professor Larry Rosenthal joined law professors from NYU and Stanford on NPR's KQED San Francisco "Forum" radio show to discuss the Supreme Court's recent decision on California's DNA collection program.
May 2013
- Professor Frank Doti is quoted on the possibility of tax reform
- Professor Frank Doti writes on claiming abnormal charitable deductions
- Professor Donald Kochan writes on the role of effective recording systems in the aftermath of the mortgage foreclosure crisis.
April 2013
- Vice Chancellor and Professor Richard Redding writes on the bipartisan pursuit of happiness, maximizing freedoms and guaranteeing services using a free-market method
- Professor Donald Kochan's newest article on the history and meaning of the word 'conclusory'
March 2013
January 2013
- Professor Ronald Rotunda discusses Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner's Story of Inflation
- Professor Ronald Rotunda comments on Obama's hiking tax rates will lose money
- Professor Donald J. Kochan's paper titled, A Legal Overview of Utah s H.B. 148 ʡ The Transfer of Public Lands Act. is released by the Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies. The paper examines recent legislation from March 2012 where the State of Utah has made what, at first glance, seems like an extraordinary demand of the federal government to give up its title to certain lands in the State of Utah and give them to the State to manage
- Professor Kathy Heller discusses how Chapman Law students get hands on entertainment law experience with the Entertainment Law Clinic
- Professor Donald Kochan comments on law school exam advice
- Professor Larry Rosenthal discusses Forest's ordinance barring registered sex offenders from parks and the issues the city will face in court
- Professor Thomas Bell comments on the CFTC's recent crackdown on InTrade and TEN, overseas providers of real-money prediction markets that proved their accuracy in the recent election
- Professor Thomas Bell discusses the popular website Intrade, which allows users to bet on practically anything
- Professor Thomas Bell comments on copyright policy and discuses how he will publish his forthcoming book, "Intellectual Privilege" under the 1790 Copyright Act
- Neda Sargordan ('07), who returned to Chapman Law as a staff attorney for the Family Protection Clinic, published an article entitled, Human Trafficking: A Harsh Reality" - Orange County Lawyer Magazine
- Dean Tom Campbell comments during an interview at the 13th annual Intel Capital Global Summit -
- Professor Larry Rosenthal discusses the implications if the California man behind the anti-Muslim film lied under oath about his name
- Professor Vernon Smith named honorary Fellow at Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
- Professor Rotunda received a Tier 1 ranking in the 2013 Edition of U.S. News - Best Lawyers Best Law Firms."
- Dean Tom Campbell will be a keynote speaker at the UCLA Anderson Forecast's September 2012 Economic Outlook "Presidential Economics: Does it Matter?" on September 20, 2012
- Professor Ronald Rotunda on how the constitutional fight over Obamacare is not over
JUNE 2012
APRIL 2012
MARCH 2012
- Professor Caso comments on Affordable Care Act
- Professor Rotunda op-ed on health care law
- Professor Rotunda on antitrust case
- Professor Caso on likely outcome of Affordable Care Act
- Professor Eggert comments on foreclosure settlement
- Professor Hewitt on the political climates of past elections
- Professor Donald Kochan comments on law school exam advice
- Professor Eggert on Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac meltdown
- Professor Rotunda on supremacy of judicial review
- Professor Rotunda op-ed on Kagan and recusal regarding Affordable Care Act
- Professor Eggert on mortgage lender lawsuits
- Professor Rotunda on Kinde Durkee, Democratic treasurer charged with fraud
- Dr. Smith on financial crisis and politics
- Professor Rotunda on immunity for private lawyers representing public agencies
- Professor Hall op-ed on Khmer Rouge Tribunal
- Professor Eggert quoted on federal regulation and foreclosure
- Professor Rotunda op-ed on constitutionality of Affordable Healthcare Act
- Professor Bazyler on his appointment to Armenian National panel
- Professor Hall quoted on Khmer Rouge tribunal
- Professor Darmer op-ed on FAIR (Fair, Accurate, Inclusive and Respectful) Act
- Dean Campbell wrote an op-ed on Congressional budget in the Los Angeles Times
- Dean Campbell op-ed on the government and unemployment
- Professor Howe on death sentence in California
JULY 2011
- Professor Eggert on the government's role in financial abuses
- Professor Rosenthal discusses jurors 'cashing in' after serving on popular trials
- Professor Rosenthal on national debt and the Fourteenth Amendment
- Professor Darmer on the federal criminal trial of Roger Clemens
JUNE 2011
- Professor Canova radio appearances on Greece and politics
- Professor Rotunda on judicial elections and campaign financing
- Professor Canova discusses economic crisis and its global implications
MAY 2011
- Dean Campbell discusses global corporate responsibility
- Professor Steiner on Miranda warnings in popular culture
- Professor Canova on the future of the Federal Reserve
APRIL 2011
- Professor Kyndra Rotunda on former Guantanamo detainees
- Professor Kyndra Rotunda on marines' Don't Ask Don't Tell
MARCH 2011
- Professor Ronald Rotunda on bankruptcy and Anna Nicole Smith
- Professor Canova op-ed on the need for more federal stimulus
- Professor Kochan op-ed on the Arab need for Smithian economic policies
- Professor Bazyler discusses the death of Maria Altmann, who sought Nazi looted art
- Professor Redding op-ed on intellectual diversity in academia
- Professor Canova op-ed on political orientation and career paths
- Professor Eggert on secrecy surrounding mortgage-backed securities
- Professor Eggert on ruling in elder abuse claim
- Professor Hall on challenges facing the United Nations-backed court in Cambodia
- Professor Eggert on predatory lending and the financial crisis
- Professor Hernández-López op-ed on food trucks
- Professor Darmer on same-sex marriage rallies
- Professor Ronald Rotunda on Prop. 8 and the Supreme Court
JULY 2010
MAY 2010
- Professor Rotunda Rosenthal op-ed on constitutionality of national health law
- Professor Kyndra Rotunda op-ed on banning JAG from Harvard Law School
APRIL 2010
MARCH 2010
- Professor Eggert discusses unfair mortgage lending practices on Southside Pride
- Professor Lipman on Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers - Mission Local
- Professor Ronald Rotunda on aftermath ofCaperton v. A.T. Massey Coal Co. - Syracuse Law Review
- Dean Canova op-ed on economic revival through public transportation - Pacific Progressive Blog
- Professor Rosenthal on new California law that covers attorneys' fees for the poor
- Professor Canova on financial market failure
- Professor Ronald Rotunda op-ed on President Obama's Noble Peace Prize
- Professor Ronald Rotunda on Chicago's handgun ban
- Professor Campbell discusses importance of preserving one's liberty
- Professor Canova on deregulation of banking and finance
JULY 2009
- Professor Campbell discusses marijuana legislation, Prop. 13, and Prop. 8
- Professor Bell on calculating law school rankings
- Professor Eggert on Obama administration's foreclosure prevention program
JUNE 2009
- Professor Ronald Rotunda op-ed on cases from abroad heard in U.S. courts
- Professor Campbell op-ed on invasive questions on 2010 Census
MAY 2009
- Professor Hall op-ed on corruption within the Khmer Rouge Tribunal's court
- Professor Darmer on California Supreme Court's decision to uphold Prop. 8
- Professor Campbell on potential successor to Supreme Court Justice Souter
APRIL 2009
- Professor Kyndra Rotunda on interrogation tactics
- Professor Campbell on Prop. 1A tax increases
- Professor Smith op-ed on effects of housing-bubble on the economy
- Professor Kyndra Rotunda on Geneva Convention's protection of Guantanamo detainees
MARCH 2009
- Professor Eggert on lack of regulation in mortgage business
- Professor Eggert on Countrywide, AGI, and failed real estate loans
- Professor Ronald Rotunda op-ed on constitutionality of stimulus packages
- Professor Darmer on California's Prop. 8 and other states
- Professor Hall op-ed on misconduct and corruption at the Khmer Rouge tribunal
- Professor Darmer on banned substance and Roger Clemens' trainer's materials
- Professor Hall discusses the Khmer Rouge Tribunal
- Professor Eggert on Obama foreclosure plan
- Professor Rosenthal on academic freedom at public universities
- Dean Canova on economic status of the American treasury
- Professor Hall op-ed on rising number of journalists murdered in Russia
- Professor Eggert on pushing servicers to modify loans
- Professor MacDowell on course taught by law students to inner-city high school students
- Professor Eggert on public taxpayer action for mortgage relief
- Professor Eggert on lawsuits seeking payback from executives who received enormous paychecks for running companies that collapsed
- Professor Yoo op-ed on President Obama and Guantanamo Bay
- Professor Darmer on Roger Clemens' fate
- Professor Rosenthal on civil judgment against street gangs
- Professor Eggert on bailout money and loan modification
- Professor Falk discusses his expulsion from Israel - Radio France International
- Professor Eggert discusses housing market - KABC
- Professor Bazyler on Jewish community within Israel
- Professor Eggert on foreclosure and loan modification
- Dean Canova op-ed on what lead up to the subprime lending crisis
- Dean Canova compares the current recession with the Great Depression
- Professor Falk on current wars and raids around the world by U.S. troops
- Professor Darmer on trial of former Orange County Sheriff Mike Carona
- Dean Canova op-ed on the need for a grand scale financial stimulus
- Professor Smith op-ed on improving the current economy
- Dean Canova on federal bailouts
- Professor Rosenthal on federal prosecutions of gang members
- Professor Eggert on households and foreclosure
- Professor Eggert on government-led loan modifications
- Professor Rosenthal on U.S. economy and crime
- Professor Eggert on Fannie May and Freddie Mac
- Professor Bazyler on possible sale of naming rights of the NY Giants' new stadium
- Professor Bell on proposed change in the U.S. News law school survey techniques
- Professor Kyndra Rotunda on conviction of Salim Hamdan in Guantanamo Bay
JULY 2008
- Professor Bell op-ed on free press in Cambodia
- Professor Rosenthal on congressional candidate Delecia Holt and alleged fraud
- Professor Hall op-ed on the Khmer Rouge Tribunal proceedings
- Professor Eggert on predicted direction of Federal Reserve Board in subprime regulations
- Professor Eggert on Countrywide litigation that was acquired by Bank of America
JUNE 2008
- Professor Eggert on indictments of former Bear Stearns hedge fund managers
- Dean Eastman on upcoming election and the Supreme Court
- Professor Kyndra Rotunda op-ed on Guantanamo Bay and Geneva Conventions
- Professor Eggert on tax burden on loan forgiveness
- Professor Darmer on letter by NBA referee Tim Donaghy
MAY 2008
- Professor Eggert on governmental need to mandate loan modifications - Orange County Register
- Dean Canova on agencies and their role in the housing boom and collapse Orange County Register
APRIL 2008
- Professor Eggert on anticipated lawsuits and prosecutions from the subprime meltdown
- Professor Eggert on appraisers over-appraising housing values for mortgages
MARCH 2008
- Professor Eggert on Ameriquest founder and subprime mortgages
- Professor Eggert on subprime lenders
- Dean Canova on Federal Reserve
- Professor Eggert on mortgages
- Professor Darmer on Congress' request to investigate Clemens - Los Angeles Times
- Professor Howe on realism of Twelve Angry Men Orange County Register
- Professor Darmer on the Roger Clemens investigation - ABC News
- Professor Eggert on predatory lending practices -Business Week