»Diversity and Social Justice Forum Symposium

Each year, the Diversity and Social Justice Forum at Chapman University's Dale E. Fowler School of Law hosts a symposium on issues of diversity and social justice, typically paired with the release of the DSJ Forum. DSJ Forum is an online publication featuring practice-oriented issues of social justice, including any aspect of the underlying legal or humanitarian concerns, legal or policy solutions, or the work of movements organizing to address the problem

2022 Annual DSJF Symposium

October 28, 2022
10:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. PT

Panel 1 | Promise and Peril of New Youth Imprisonment Reforms

10:30 - 11:45 a.m.

This panel focuses on recent developments in juvenile justice, evaluating the aims behind such changes and their likelihood of success. Calls for abolition and community integrity sit at the forefront of many critiques of youth imprisonment, highlighting the need for locally driven, restorative justice.


  • Frankie Guzman, National Center for Youth Law
  • Perry Moriearty, University of Minnesota Law School
  • Jyoti Nanda, Golden Gate University School of Law

Moderated by Professor Wendy Seiden, Visiting Faculty, Fowler School of Law; Chair, OCFVC Homelessness-DV-SA Task Force

Keynote Address | Sofia Gruskin

12 - 1 p.m.

Our keynote address: Current Concerns Bridging Health, Law and Human Rights: From the Global to the Local, is by Sofia Gruskin, Professor of Law at USC Gould School of Law, Director of the USC Institute on Inequalities in Global Health, and a professor and chief of the Disease Prevention, Policy and Global Health Division at Keck School of Medicine, with Q&A from the audience.

Panel 2 | Can Therapeutic Jurisprudence Deliver? The Growth and Evolution of Treatment Courts

1:15 - 2:30 p.m.

This panel will discuss the on-going shift in the way courts address people with mental health and substance abuse challenges in an effort to reduce incarceration and homelessness. Although treatment courts offer the hope of recovery and improved services for such individuals, they are not without controversy. Our panelists will engage in a dialogue about the potential and limits of these rapidly expanding courts.


  • Lili Vo Graham, Disability Rights California
  • Judge Mary Kreber Varipapa, Orange County Superior Court
  • Eric Miller, Loyola Law School

Moderated by Professor Lawrence Rosenthal, Professor of Law, Fowler School of Law

Professor Sofia Gruskin

Keynote Speaker

Professor Sofia Gruskin

Director of USC Institute on Inequalities in Global Health, Gould School of Law

Sofia Gruskin directs the USC Institute on Inequalities in Global Health, she is a professor at the Gould School of Law, a professor and chief of the Disease Prevention, Policy and Global Health Division within the Keck School of Medicine, and serves as a member of the USC Academic Senate Executive Board. Her work has been instrumental in developing the conceptual, methodological and empirical links between health and human rights, and seeking to address inequalities in new areas, including sustainability, climate change, and the long-term impacts of COVID-19.