»Circulation Policies

You must present your University Photo I.D. card in order for the library to perform any circulation transactions. No substitutes will be accepted. Cards may only be used by the patron to whom the I.D. is issued and are not transferable. 

Each semester or academic term (including interterm and summer), students must present valid proof of enrollment (semester sticker, print out of classes from my.chapman.edu, Registrar's office confirmation, or fee receipt) to grant use privileges. 

Patrons are responsible to report any changes of address, telephone number, and/or any other information to ensure the accuracy of your library circulation record. 

A receipt will be issued at the time of checkout indicating a due date for borrowed items. Please retain your receipt. It is your responsibility to return borrowed items to the library on time. 

Book drops are located outside of the building and inside the lobby of the Library for your convenience. 

Return all items to the Library from which it was borrowed (Leatherby or Rinker). Items are not considered returned until they reach their correct destination. 

Any outstanding fines or overdue items will prevent you from renewing or borrowing. 

Items (excluding reserves) may be renewed on-line by going to the Library homepage and accessing your library circulation record or by calling the Circulation Department at (714) 532-7723. Items cannot be renewed if they are overdue, have been placed on "hold" by another patron, have been recalled, or have been renewed twice by the patron. Patrons are charged with keeping track of all due dates when renewing on-line; only system posted due dates are valid. Print the screen with the new due date and the word "RENEWED" for verification. 

Patrons are responsible for all items checked out on their library circulation record, including items checked out for fellow students, faculty, staff or others by the holder of the card. 

It is the responsibility of the patron to be aware of the posted library hours, changes in hours, or schedule variations, which might affect hourly due dates for reserve items. For updates of library hours please call (714) 532-7756 or visit the Library Hours webpage

Patrons are responsible for all fines (overdue charges), processing fees (re-ordering and invoicing costs), and replacement fees (cost of item) which may result from overdue returns, damage to items, lost or stolen items, including those items obtained by Interlibrary Loan (and the fees designated by the lending institution from which Chapman obtained them). All unresolved and/or unpaid charges will be referred to the University Business Office (including a Referral Fee). 

The 1974 Family Rights and Privacy Act, State of California Law, and California State Education Code prohibit revealing the name of any borrower who currently has an item checked out, as well as their borrowing record. This applies to all library users.