»Reserve Desk Item Acceptance Policy

The Reserve Book Desk of the Leatherby Libraries will accept standard items for placement on Reserve with completion of the proper forms by the faculty member or professor for designation of student use: 

  • Chapman Owned Library Items. These must be removed by the instructor or their graduate assistant. The Library staff does not provide this service. 
  • Notebooks/File Folders/Binders of a standard office use size shall be accepted. 
  • Personally Owned Items of an instructor are acceptable (See below for exceptions). 
  • Audio/Visual Material of a standard format, e.g. VHS tapes, audio cassettes, compact discs, DVD's. (Faculty must be aware that providing items in these formats does not guarantee that viewing rooms or equipment is available). 

The Following Items ARE NOT Accepted by the Reserve Desk:

  • Special Testing Materials, Kits, or Evaluation Materials which are governed by compliance and/or regulatory agencies (i.e. the American Psychological Association), or which are regulated by copyright laws and/or publishers guidelines. Acceptance of these materials not only jeopardizes the accreditation process, proper administration of testing materials and compliance with the designated testing process, it exposes the University to considerable liability. 
  • Coursepacks. Defined as a collection of materials assembled and distributed by the course professor or the bookstore. Usually photocopied, coursepacks are comprised of articles or book chapters, etc., and are either in book format or class handouts. 
  • Reference Books from the Leatherby Libraries Reference Collection. These items are of a permanent non-circulating status and must remain as such. This also includes Indexes and Abstracts. 
  • Journals from the Leatherby Libraries Periodical Collection, whether in the form of individual volumes, bound volumes, microforms, or newspapers are included in this designation. Photocopies of articles (from the Chapman or any other collection) are, of course, acceptable. 
  • Special Collections defined as any and all materials of value for which neither the University, nor the library, can be responsible, and cannot be insured in any reasonable manner. 
  • Heritage Room Archival Items from the Heritage Room and University Archives cannot be placed on Reserve. 
  • Artworks including oversized prints, sculptures, paintings, etc. 
  • Books or Items from other Libraries or Institutions obtained through Interlibrary loan or directly by the instructor. The Library cannot be responsible for the property of another institution, nor jeopardize its borrowing privileges with that lending institution. 
  • Equipment including, but not limited to cameras, recording devices, computers, monitors, VCRs, etc. is not accepted.