Edward Dana

Dr. Edward Dana

Crean College of Health and Behavioral Sciences; Psychology
Expertise: Psychology
Office Location: Crean Hall 126
Office Hours: By appointment only.


I am from Baltimore, Maryland, where I attended Gilman School, playing varsity football and participating on the debate team. I attended Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA, where I was a History major, played varsity football and was active In Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity. I served as pledge master, treasurer, and social chairman. I worked as a bartender, bouncer, bar manager, and piano mover before I realized I much preferred the academic community. I then earned my MA from Chapman University in Child Psychology, followed by my doctorate in Social Psychology at USC. I worked for The Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) for 15 years (while teaching at Chapman) where I conducted over 300, four-hour leadership- development sessions with senior executives. The sessions, as part of an intense, one-week leadership enhancement program, consisted of the interpretation of psychological instruments, as these applied to my clients’ goals. CCL was recently assessed as the number one non-academic leadership development organization (Business Week) in the country. I still serve as an independent feedback consultant where I specialize in working with “difficult” employees. I also occasionally utilize my sports background in working with coaches and players. I love what I do and take great interest in assisting students reach their academic and personal potentials.

Research Interest: 

  • Stereotypes threat and self-awareness
  • Cognitive biases associated with ethnic stereotypes and age-divergent dating couples.
  • Psychological indices of leadership in elite athletes versus non-elite athletes.
  • Psychophysiological components of objective self-awareness / information feedback.
  • Attributional indices of objective self-awareness / social cognition / social schemata.
  • Causal attribution, responsibility and behavior.
  • Attitudes toward steroid use and gambling in college students.

Professional Memberships

  • Western Psychological Association
  • American Psychological Society

Courses Regularly Offered

  • Social Psychology
  • Child Psychology
  • Introduction to Psychology
  • Organizational Psychology
  • Sports Psychology
  • Forensic Psychology
  • Psychological Testing and Measurement
  • Senior Seminar

Published Abstracts

Dana, E. R., Kugler, K., & Tse, J. (2005).  Attentional styles associated with athletes earning end-of-season honors.  Proceedings of the annual meeting of the American Psychological Society.


Uppal, S., Dana, E.R., & Mitchell, J. (2013). Trust as a factor in purchase decisions. Paper presented at the Western Psychological Association’s annual meeting, Reno, NV, 2013.

Mitchell, J. & Dana, E.R.(2012).Competitiveness and stereotype threat in perfectionistic college students. Paper presented at the Western Psychological Association’s annual meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2012.

Tamayo, M. & Dana, E.R. (2011). Divorce effects as a mediator of college major selection. Paper presented at the Western Psychological Association’s annual meeting, Los Angeles, CA, 2011.

Prusha, C. & Dana, E.R. (2011). Purchasing influences under conditions of product scarcity. Paper presented at the Western Psychological Association’s annual meeting, Los Angeles, CA, 2011.

Hopkins, K. & Dana, E.R. (2009). Perceived academic stereotype threat in college students. Paper presented at the Western Psychological Association's annual meeting, Portland, OR, May 2009.

Hopkins, K. & Dana, E.R. (2009). Reactance as a factor in university stereotype threat. Paper presented at the Western Psychological Association's annual meeting, Portland, OR, May 2009.

Bates, J. & Dana, E. R. (2008). Abstract language as a predictor of social categorization attitudes about influence tactics Used in the workforce. Paper presented at the Western Psychological Association's annual meeting, Irvine,CA, April 2008.

Archibald, J., Hewitt, J., Ruby, C., Gentry, K., Stolzenberg, S., & Dana,E. R. (2007). Attitudes about influence tactics used in the workforce. Paper presented at the Western Psychological Association's annual meeting, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, April 2007.

Archibald, J., Stolzenberg, S., & Dana, E. R. (2006). Influence attempts associated with work and educational authority figures. Paper presented at the Western Psychological Association's annual meeting, Palm Springs, CA, April 2006.

Crouse, A., & Dana, E. R. (2006). Attitudes toward the value of sports and scholarship athletes. Paper presented at the Western Psychological Association's annual meeting, Palm Springs, CA, April 2006.

Flores, M., Tyler, H., Metten, A., & Dana, E. R. (2006). Perceived trustworthiness of manipulated facial features from police sketches. Paper presented at the Western Psychological Association's annual meeting, Palm Springs, CA, April 2006.

Saunders, G., & Dana, E. R. (2006). Verbal and physical aggression as correlates of early school experiences. Paper presented at the Western Psychological Association's annual meeting, Palm Springs, CA, April, 2006.

Archibald, J., Metten, A., & Dana, E. R. (2005). Attitudes toward women in the workplace. Paper presented at the Western Psychological Association's annual meeting, Portland, OR, April 2005.

Dana, E. R., Kugler, K., & Tse, J. (2005). Attentional styles associated with athletes earning end-of-season honors. Paper presented at the American Psychological Society's annual meeting, Los Angeles, CA, May 2005.

Cabossel, M. & Dana, E.R. (2004). Is emotional intelligence sensitive to a learning paradigm? Paper presented to the Western Psychological Association's annual meeting, Phoenix, AZ, April 2004.

Dana, E.R., Osburn, A., Yoo, D. & Zemlick, B. (2004).Objective self-awareness and self-to-standard discrepancies. Paper presented to the Western Psychological Association's annual meeting, Phoenix, AZ, April 2004.

Griffiths, A. & Dana, E.R. (2004). Disciplinary experiences in childhood in relation to perceived attachment difficulties. Paper presented to the Western Psychological Association's annual meeting, Phoenix, AZ, April 2004.

Kugler, K. & Dana, E.R. (2004). Predicting athletic injuries in female college athletes as a consequence of attentional deficits. Paper presented to the Western Psychological Association's annual meeting, Phoenix, AZ, April 2004.

Salazar, V. & Dana, E.R. (2004). Cross-cultural perspectives in self-awareness. Paper presented to the Western Psychological Association's annual meeting, Phoenix, AZ, April 2004.

Awards and Honors

  • 2013  Chapman University Certificate of Gratitude for Teaching
  • 2010  Recognition Teaching Award for Excellence, Gamma Beta Phi Academic Honor Society
  • 2009  Residence Life Faculty Recognition In Appreciation of Service, Recognition Teaching Award for Excellence, Gamma Beta Phi Academic Honor Society, Chapman University Achievement Award for Excellence in Teaching 
  • 2008  Residence Life Faculty Recognition Teaching Award for Excellence 
  • 2007  Residence Life Faculty Recognition Teaching Award for Excellence 
  • 2006  Alpha Phi Sorority Award for Teaching Excellence, Psychology Department Recognition for Overall Teaching Excellence and Contributions
  • 2005  Delta Tau Delta Fraternity Award for Teaching Excellence, Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity Award for Male Faculty Member of the Year, Selected to Who's Who of American Teachers and Faculty
  • 2004  Residence Life Faculty Recognition Teaching Award for excellence
  • 2001-03 Selected as Gamma Phi Beta Sorority's Faculty of the Month Award

Recent Creative, Scholarly Work and Publications

Plaza, R.. & Dana, E.R. (2018). Perceived Credibility of an Expert Witness. Paper presented to Western Psychological Associations’ annual meeting, Portland, Or. April, 2018
Jewett, S. & Dana, E.R. (2017). The differing opinions of generations: Millennials in the workplace. Paper presented at Western Psychological Associations’ annual meeting, Sacramento, Ca. April, 2017
Okabe-Miyamoto, K.Y.& Dana, E.R. (2016). Self-awareness and social media. Paper presented at Western Psychological Associations’ annual meeting, Long Beach, Ca., May, 2016
Daugherty, S.,Blumer, N & Dana, E.R. (2016). Employee satisfaction in the workplace. Paper presented at Western Psychological Associations’ annual meeting, Long Beach, Ca., May, 2016
Blumer, N., Daugherty, S. & Dana, E.R. (2016). Motivational differences between male and female non-scholarship athletes. Paper presented at Western Psychological Associations’ annual meeting, Long Beach, Ca., May, 2016.
Wen, J.H., Mendoza, K, &Dana, E.R. (2015. Dating vs. hooking up: external factors related non-committed romantic interactions. Paper presented at Western Psychological Associations’ annual meeting, Las Vegas, NV, April-May, 2015
Taylor, L. &Dana, E.R. (2015). Gender Stereotypes in work, academics, and social Environment. Paper presented at Western Psychological Associations’ annual meeting, Las Vegas, NV, April-May, 2015
Patel, S. & Dana, E.R. (2015). Identity and sense of self in Muslims in America. Paper presented at Western Psychological Associations’ annual meeting, Las Vegas, NV, April-May, 2015.
Garcia, P., Schandler, S.L., & Dana, E.R. (2015). Worker motivation: at social comparison. Paper presented at Western Psychological Associations’ annual meeting, Las Vegas, NV, April-May, 2015.
Petrencik, K., Castellanos, B., & Dana, E. R. (2014). Linkedin: a reliable job recruiting method? Paper submitted to the Western Psychological Association’s annual meeting, Portland, Or., 2014.
Capuano, C., & Dana, E. R. (2014). Child witnesses: age and the impact on testimonial accuracy. Paper submitted to the Western Psychological Association’s annual meeting, Portland, Or., 2014.
Everett,B., Celinker, J., Colocino, C., Gilbert, K., Yoshiura, R., Jabobsmeyer, A., Butterfield, C., …Dana, E. R. (2014). ). Bystander helping behavior: emotional empathetic responsesness associated with increased helping. Paper submitted to the Western Psychological Association’s annual meeting, Portland, Or., 2014.
Celinker, J., Everett, B., Gilbert, K., Colocino, C., Jabobsmeyer, A., Yoshiura, R., Butterfield, C., …Dana, E. R. (2014). Bystander helping and trans-situational factors, gender, affective empathy, and reminderbands. Paper submitted to the Western Psychological Association’s annual meeting, Portland, Or., 2014.