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Schmid College of Science and Technology

»Doctor of Science in Mathematics, Philosophy and Physics

The MPP Program is currently open to applications for the Fall 2025 semester. Please see the Call for Applications for more information and join us for upcoming Virtual Open House Information Sessions.

Plato statue with blue backgroundOffered by Chapman University's Schmid College of Science and Technology, the Doctor of Science degree in Mathematics, Philosophy and Physics (MPP) is equivalent to a Ph.D. and is an innovative post-master's-level, cross-disciplinary research doctoral program focusing on the foundational pillars of the sciences. Following traditions dating back to Plato, the program emphasizes the fundamental relationship between mathematics, philosophy and the physical sciences. The MPP program acknowledges that achieving a more complete understanding requires not only mastering depth within a particular discipline but also exploring the broader context and mutual influences between all three fundamental disciplines. 

The MPP program encourages strong and authentic interdisciplinary collaboration with a vibrant intellectual culture. The successful student will be awarded a D.Sc. degree with an emphasis in one of the primary foundational disciplines and will also develop a deeper understanding of how their primary discipline interacts with and is informed by cross-disciplinary connections to the other disciplines. As a post-master's-level doctoral program, the program consists of 54 credits completed over a three-year research-focused curriculum leading to a D.Sc. degree. The curriculum contains few didactic courses, which serve to train students in research and communication skills common to all three disciplines. The remaining research credits are personalized to each student’s background in close collaboration with their primary adviser and interdisciplinary thesis committee, with the goal of enabling the student to produce high-quality and competitive doctoral research in their primary discipline. 

Students will graduate well-prepared for their future career goals, with a D.Sc. degree that is recognized as fully equivalent to a Ph.D. in both the academic and industrial job sectors.

The Doctor of Science MPP program offers up to six funded fellowship positions per academic year in addition to grant-funded positions that may be arranged in consultation with specific advisers. 


MPP Activities and Events

  • Chapman University and the Topos Institute have formed a partnership that will include joint initiatives with the MPP program, including organization of MPP Seminar events, collaborative research projects, and the opportunity for MPP graduate students to engage with Topos representatives. See the announcements of the partnership on the Schmid College Blog and the Topos website for more information.
  • In celebration of the first year of the MPP program, a conference on the utility of philosophy for the sciences took place on January 30 - February 2, 2024. For information on the conference and to watch video recordings of the presentations, please see the conference webpage: "Is Philosophy Useful for Science, and/or Vice Versa?"

Contact Us

For program-specific details or questions, please contact:

Lisa Beesley
Graduate Program Coordinator – Math, Philosophy, and Physics

Marco Panza 
Provisional Program Director
(714) 997-5021

For questions on application process or requirements, please contact:

Sharnique Dow
Graduate Admissions Counselor 
(714) 997-6770

Graduate Financial Aid
(714) 628-2730

Application Deadlines

Applications are reviewed on a yearly basis for admission starting in the fall semester:
  • Priority submission deadline: January 15
  • Regular submission deadline: April 15
Early applications are recommended to receive full consideration for fellowship support.