Do you know a Chapman Student who:
- Actively works or takes steps to stop interpersonal and/or sexual violence
- Speaks out if folks objectify others
- Uses Active Bystander Intervention skills in daily life or in situations deemed necessary
- Ensures that consent is present
- Speaks up when someone degrades others
- Actively promotes safe activities and environments
- Doesn't resort to violence or tolerate those who do use inappropriate aggressive behaviors
- Makes informed decisions and sets an example by taking care of others and themself?
If you know a person who actively works toward keeping students safe, we invite you to nominate them to receive the Active Bystander Intervention (ABI) Award. Please remember, this award is about behaviors that actively promote a safer environment on our campus.
Nominations are open NOW!
The award will be presented at CARES Active Bystander Program taking place on November
13th in Memorial Hall at 7:00 pm