- Preside at General Meetings and Programs
- Preside at Steering Committee Meetings
- Liaison to the University including serving on Chapman University’s Board of Trustees
as an ex-officio member
- Communicate ongoing activities to the membership
President Elect:
- Preside as President 2024-2026
Benefit Chair:
- Chair “Christmas at The Ritz” benefit, 2022
Benefit Chair Elect:
- Chair “Christmas at The Ritz” benefit, 2023
Program/Luncheon Co-Chairs:
- Plan and produce programs with committee approval
- Produce and mail invitations
- Submit program information for press releases
- Chair Annual Meeting Luncheon in June
Recording Secretary:
- Record minutes
- Distributes minutes to Steering Committee
Financial Reporter:
- Prepare and give financial reports at the Steering Committee meetings
- All revenue is received and deposited by Chapman University
- All checks for accounts payable are written and distributed by Chapman University
- Prepare and submit an annual financial report
Corresponding Secretary:
- Write thank-you notes
- Send get-well, sympathy, and congratulatory cards
Membership Chair:
- The Chapman University liaison is responsible for mailing dues notices and requests
for roster information to members
The Membership Chair is responsible for:
- Preparing the letters, dues notices, and memos to the membership and submitting to
the liaison for distribution
- Contacting delinquent members
- Maintaining a current list of members, their addresses, and phone numbers, including
new members as accepted
- Submitting new member information and revisions to membership list to Roster Chair
- Accepting applications for new members from current members and presenting their applications
to the Steering Committee
- Coordinating the membership activities at the membership event in May
Membership Tea Chairs:
- Plan and make arrangements for a membership event in May
Nominations Chair:
- Meet with the Nominating Committee to select Steering Committee members for the following
- Submit the Steering Committee slate for approval to the Steering Committee at the
May meeting
- Announce the newly elected Steering Committee at the annual Summer Luncheon in June
Parliamentarian: Immediate Past President
Student Filmmaker Endowment Chair:
- Chair committee that determines who the Dodge College student finalists are for WOC’s
annual student endowment recognition
Roster Chair:
- Update roster information
- Have roster printed
- Make arrangements to distribute roster
- Keep history of Women of Chapman
- Oversee photographs taken at events and programs
- Maintain a publicity scrapbook
Members at Large:
- Assist in promoting the Women of Chapman in their support of Chapman University