»Study Abroad


Panther Statue

Study abroad, taking courses or working internships specially designed to enhance your English or Journalism degrees.

Study abroad asks students to boldly explore the relationships among reading, writing, and culture. Whether you take courses abroad in literature and writing, learn a new language while immersing yourself in a new culture, or work in a specially designed internship outside the United States, study abroad encourages our students to imagine how they can make a difference in another culture and country.

Study abroad programs can last anywhere from a few weeks to one semester to a full academic year. Chapman University supports study abroad in a variety of cities within Africa, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, and Latin America. Students participating in the program receive Chapman University credit and pay their regular Chapman tuition.

The following sections provide information on the different types of Study Abroad programs available to students, including short-term options run as travel courses.

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