Through the generosity of the late Professor Emeritus Paul Delp, Trustee Harmon Wilkinson
and his wife Nadine, the Delp-Wilkinson Chair in Peace Studies Endowment was established to support Peace Studies at Chapman. The endowment provides support
for student travel to conferences and study tour classes in addition to providing
books and videos that enrich the program. Finally, it supports The Delp-Wilkinson Peace Lecture Series that annually brings at least one prominent peacemaker to campus to speak and meet
with students.
This endowment has allowed Peace Studies to bring in Nobel Peace Laureates Jose Ramos-Horta, Betty Williams, and Rigoberta Menchu as well as leading scholars within the field of Peace Studies such as David Barash, Douglas Kellner, Betty Reardon, Cornel West, Edward Said, Howard Zinn, Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela, Mark Tomass, Benjamin Madley, Cleve Jones, Shamil Idriss, Jessican Murrey, Citlali Ruiz Martinez, and Nigel Young.