To advance an authentic development of the student’s ability to connect with the object of their discipline and become aware of the interconnectedness of multiple disciplines, the Ferrucci Institute promotes an understanding of teaching and learning rooted in the transformative power of real-world and aesthetic experience. Italy’s multilayered human and natural landscape embodies powerful experiences nurtured by memory and a vivid sense of place and community, experiences offering manifold beginnings to individual paths to knowledge. The Ferrucci Institute promotes various opportunities to experience Italy directly within the context of faculty-led travel classes throughout the peninsula and during programming on campus.
Experiences Abroad
Chapman University offers a number of travel classes led by faculty from different departments. Courses take place in different locations, both metropolitan and rural, in the north, south, and the islands. These educational opportunities guide students to a first-hand study of different aspects of the country's culture and history and of sectors in the sciences and the arts.
Travel classes are scheduled during the January interterm (enrolling in early fall) and during the summer months (enrolling in early spring), and all necessary details are provided by the portal managed by the Center for Global Education. Below are descriptions of past travel courses to Italy.
Campus Experiences
It is also part of the campus itself, in iconic places such as our Musco Center for the Arts and the Attallah Piazza (designed after Italian piazzas), which nurture the university’s relationship with Italy.