Note the following schedule is tentative and subject to change.
8:00 am
9:00 am
Opening Ceremony
9:30 am
Attallah College of Educational Studies Dean Margaret Grogan
9:40 am
Opening Keynote
Dr. Tracy Buenavista
10:30 am
Session 1
El Rancho Unified School District, Leader of the Ethnic Studies Revolution
Dr. Aurora R. Villon, Karling Aguilera-Fort, Christina Mata, Melinda Aguilar, and
Jesus Magdaleno
The Implication of a Spirituality of Becoming on the Critical Pedagogue
Dr. James Kirylo
Youth-Led Participatory Action Research
Loara High School Students
Ethnic Studies I Wish I Learned in High School and College: Curriculum, Narratives,
and Resources for Teachers and Administrators
Chapman Students
Transcultural Spaces: Building Bridges to Support Students of Color in the P-20 Pipeline
Victor Vega, Dr. David Gonzalez, Dr. John Escobedo, and Jesus Miranda
Poetry and Storytelling to Create Healing Spaces
Jeremy Michael Vasquez
Achieving Ethnic Studies at Chapman: Asian American Studies Panel
Dr. Thomas Fujita-Rony, Dorothy Fujita-Rony, and Dr. Edward Park
Turtle Island's Finest: A Discussion on Solidarity and Spirituality Through Dance
Tyler Vela, Casey Fox, and the Blue Star Singers
The Mexican-American/Raza Studies Federal Court Struggle: A Decade Long Legal and
Political Struggle to Defend Raza History, Culture and Equal Protection
Sean Arce, XITO
11:40 am
Session 2
Student Developed Proposal for Chapman Korean Language ProgramJosie Tiffany, Lisa Kang, and Beatrice Lam
Adaptación Sin Perder Identidad
Maria Barboza and Araceli Chavez
(Spanish language workshop with headsets provided for translation)
Centering Students; Myriad Identities in the Elementary Classroom: Focus on Conversations
around Gender Identity
Jamaica Ross & Courtney Farrell
Eye to I: Engaging Solidarity and Critical Consciousness Through Duo-Autoethnographic
Art, Teachers, Scholars
Kyler Asato and Dr. Kevin Stockbridge
Navigating Education as a Muslim Woman: Narratives of Solidarity and Spirituality
Tahirrah Badawi, Duaa Elwan, Maisune Abu-Elhaija
Decolonizing Pedagogy Through Counter-storytelling
Dr. Anita Fernández, XITO
On the Matter of Black Lives: African American/Black Studies at Chapman University
Dr. Quaylan Allen and Chapman’s Black Student Union
Action Research in Our Schools
Santa Ana Youth
The Lation/a Religious Experience: Identity, Ethics, and Transcendence
Dr. Rafael Luevano
Chingona Fire Poetry Workshop for Educators
Angela Aguirre and Yesika Salgado
Tezcatlipoca: An Imperative Toward Self-Love
Norma Gonzalez, XITO
12:40 pm
1:30 pm
Chingona Fire: A Feminist Latina Poetry Collective
2:00 pm
Session 3
Resilience in the Resistance
Monica Brasov-Curca
Rebranding Ethnic Studies for Community Schools: Creating Collaborative and Caring
Environments to Promote Healing and Spiritual Well-Being beyond the Classroom
Victor Vega and Freddie Chavarria
Taking Action to Transform the Student Ecosystem: Nurturing Communities by Activating
Student Voice
Edgar Orejel
Advancing Social Justice Pedagogies in Mathematics
Dr. Cathery Yeh and Dr. Carolee Koehn Hurtado
The Transformative Possibilities of a High School Ethnic Studies Class
Jose Paolo Magcalas
Círculos@Chavez: Learning without Barriers
Rafa Andrade, Matthew Cruz, Dr. Noah Asher Golden, Jesus Hernandez, Arlyn Shelton,
and Natalie Medina-Esquivel
Centering Students, Myriad Identities in the Elementary Classroom: Focus on Conversations
around Gender Identity
Jamaica Ross and Courtney Farrell
Nontraditional Ways to Success / Alternative Paths
MEChA de Chapman
The Art of Developing Community and University Partnerships: A Discussion between
Longtime Community and University Collaborators
Patricia Huerta, Tim Bolin, Patty Meza, Suzanne SooHoo, and Kevin Stockbridge
Chingona Fire Poetry Workshop for Youth
Angela Aguirre and Yesika Salgado
Identity Dualism and the Struggles of Multiculturalism
Vietnamese Student Association, Andrew Pham, and Justin Le
The Nahui Ollin: An Indigenous Framework for Problem-Posing Education
Jose Gonzalez, XITO
3:00 pm
3:15 pm
Closing Keynote
A Spark on Dry Grass and the Grassroots Movement for Ethnic Studies: Growing Our Own
Dr. Angela Valenzuela
4:00 pm
Awards and Recognition