Program is tentative and subject to change.
8:00 am
Registration, Networking, Continental Breakfast
8:30 am
8:30 am
Are You Future Ready?
Amy Griffiths, Ph.D.
Diane Flannery, Ph.D.
We are on the cusp of bewildering new possibilities. Drs. Griffiths and Flannery kick
off the morning with a challenge to understand and read signals in the present that
give us a glimpse of what is to come and proactively prepare for future changes. While
they believe this is a time of tremendous opportunity, it is also a time that many
can and will be left behind. Due to technological advances, a new normal is emerging
where past experiences are becoming less dependable guides. No profession will be
left untouched by these changes. Hear their point of view on how to position yourself
for a resilient future.
9:45 am
10:00 am
Experience the Future Lab
Engaging, hands-on demonstrations of new technologies. Jump in and experiment with
virtual reality, embedded sensors, robots, gaming, and many more. Experience and understand
how these technologies will shape many areas of our future. Also, check out research
poster presentations.
11:30 am
Topic Discussions
Join us as we discuss next steps... and be prepared to realize future opportunities.
The Future of Health and Wellness
Amy Griffiths, Ph.D.
How do new technologies impact health, mental health, addiction, well-being, and treatment,
The Future of Learning and Education: Leading the Way
Angel Miles Nash, Ph.D
How do educators teach critical future skills when it is hard to foresee what skills
will be needed? What is the future of learning?
The Future of the Workplace & Leisure Time
Diane Flannery, Ph.D.
Industries and workplaces will change over the next decade. Futurist Martin Ford maintains
75% of occupations we know today will disappear by the end of the century. What can
we do about this?
12:45 pm
Program is tentative and subject to change.