• A student and an advisor in a classroom. They are going over some papers.
Attallah College of Educational Studies

Undergraduate Advising

»Undergraduate Advising

As a student in Chapman’s Attallah College of Educational Studies, you have access to multiple types of advising. Each is designed to help you succeed as you pursue your academic goals.

Below, you’ll find more info on advising options and ways to get in touch.

Your Academic Advisor: Miriam Martinez

Miriam MartinezEmail: miriamm@chapman.edu

Schedule an advising appointment with Miriam

Your academic advisor is Miriam Martinez. Miriam is your main point of contact for help with:

  • Planning your class schedule.
  • Understanding General Education credits and requirements.
  • Reviewing your Program Evaluation to stay on track for graduation.
  • Understanding Chapman’s academic policies.
  • Understanding transfer credit policies for students planning on taking coursework at another institution.
  • Connecting you with additional advising staff for questions related to specific topics, such as your major or studying abroad.
  • Anything else related to general academics or student life as a Chapman undergrad.

Integrated program advising

Have questions about our integrated bachelor’s/master’s programs, or just want to learn more? Your points of contact are Dr. Trisha Sugita and Dr. Tara Widner.

Trisha Sugita
Dr. Trisha Sugita
Tara Widner
Dr. Tara Widner

Which integrated program advisor should I meet with?

  • Meet with Dr. Trisha Sugita if you’re interested in a bachelor's to master's program that will prepare you to teach in a TK-12 classroom. We have three integrated programs future teachers can choose from:
    • Bachelor's Degree to Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction.
    • Bachelor's Degree to Master of Arts in Teaching.
    • Bachelor's Degree to Master of Arts in Special Education.
  • Meet with Dr. Tara Widner if you’re interested in a bachelor’s to master’s program in:
    • ​​Bachelor's Degree to Master of Arts in Leadership Development.

What can Dr. Sugita and Dr. Widner help with?

  • Learning more about our integrated bachelor’s + master’s degree programs, which let you earn a master’s degree in just one additional year on top of your bachelor’s.
  • Understanding which integrated programs we have available, and which one aligns with your goals as a future educator.
  • Submitting your application.
  • Any other questions you have about integrated programs.

Upper-division advising

As you begin to take upper-division classes, you will have access to advising specific to your major, your pathway to earning a credential and more.

Upper-division advising is handled by multiple advisors. Feel free to email either one:

Miriam Martinez
Miriam Martinez
Jillian Wood
Dr. Jillian Wood

Upper-division advisors can help you:

  • Understand major requirements and the classes you should be taking.
  • Understand the credentialing process.
  • Find and get involved with extracurriculars and other opportunities.
  • Academic research.
  • Career exploration.

Your professors are also here to help

As you take classes for your major, your professors will also be able to work with you on:

  • Getting involved in academic research.
  • Exploring career pathways.
  • Making connections that will help you once you graduate.

Learning more about grad school and professional school.

Students studying abroad in Thailand.

Study abroad advising

As an Attallah student, you will also have access to dedicated study abroad advising resources. If you are interested in studying abroad, we recommend:

  • Meeting with your study abroad advisor (see below) as early in your academic career as possible. This will help you plan your study abroad experience without impacting graduation.
  • Seeing our Travel Courses and Study Abroad Experiences page for more info.
Meet your study abroad advisor
Your study abroad advisor can help you plan your study abroad experience, search for programs that fit into your schedule, register for a Global First Steps session and more. If you’re interested in going abroad, we recommend meeting them as early as possible.

Advising events

We hold a variety of events for undergraduate students throughout the academic year. In addition, we offer information sessions and other advising opportunities to support your academic goals and career planning. See below for more information on Attallah College’s upcoming events.

A note for parents — partners in your student’s success

All Attallah advisors and faculty can work with your student to help create the best possible academic experience based on their interests and goals. 

We hope you will also support your student’s success by helping ensure they graduate on time and get the most out of their college experience. However, please keep in mind:

  • It is important that students learn and feel comfortable to self-advocate. If they have questions or concerns, please encourage them to reach out themselves for assistance.
  • Additionally, when students enter college, their academic information is protected under The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). This prevents staff and faculty from discussing anything specific about your student unless they are present and give us explicit permission to do so.

Have a quick question? Email us.

Community Educational Studies:

Liberal Studies