Study Abroad and Away
Broadening your horizons helps you grow as an educator, and one of the best ways to
do it is to travel abroad with one of our many study abroad programs. We offer travel courses around the globe and work closely with you to find one that
aligns with your schedule and goals as an aspiring educator.
Student Clubs and Organizations
With hundreds of clubs and student-run organizations on campus, we’re a great place to meet new people, learn new skills and expand your network
as an aspiring educator — or just have some fun when you need to recharge the batteries.
Kappa Delta Pi
Kappa Delta Pi (KDP) is an international honor society for future educators. Open to both men and women,
KDP aims to provide opportunities for and foster a community of dedicated and passionate
future educators.
Our chapter on campus is a great way to make friends and build professional relationships
with other aspiring educators.
Admission and Tours
Interested in taking the next step? Learn how to apply or check our transfer prerequisites.
Want to see all Chapman has to offer? Join us for a virtual or in-person tour of campus. We’d love to meet you!
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