»Student Research Opportunities

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Research data 

Publication in Focus: PharmD Students Publish in Journal of Neuroscience Research

KCa 2.2 (KCNN2): A Physiologically and Therapeutically Important Potassium Channel” provided 3 Doctor of Pharmacy candidates their first brush with publishing. Under the guidance of Associate Professor Dr. Miao Zhang, PharmD students not only gained hands-on research experience but also saw the backend process of drafting, finalizing, and submitting the research for consideration in a scientific journal.

Judy Weng
PharmD '20, PhD '23
While participation in research is not a requirement for PharmD candidates, plenty of students become involved. As a PharmD student, Judy volunteered in Dr. Sharma's lab and decided to pursue research further.
  • PharmD
  • MSPS
  • PhD
  • Research at PharmD
  • Research at MSPS
  • Research at PhD