»Office of the University Registrar Enrollment and Degree Verification Services

Chapman University has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to provide Enrollment and Degree Verification certifications on its behalf. All requests for Degree or Enrollment Verifications for Chapman University students will be referred to the National Student Clearinghouse.

The National Student Clearinghouse Student Self-Service

The National Student Clearinghouse offers the following services:

  • Print your Enrollment Verification certifications
  • View your enrollment history
  • View enrollment verifications provided to service providers at your request
  • Check loan deferment forms and electronic notifications sent to your lenders
  • Obtain a list of your student loan lenders and link to real-time loan information

Important note: Enrollment information for a term is not reported until the third week of the term after the add/drop period. 

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Students with a StudentCenter.Chapman.edu Account

To visit the National Student Clearinghouse Verification Services, login to your StudentCenter.Chapman.edu student account and click on the Academic Records tile in your Student Center Homepage. 

In the Academic Records page, select on the Enrollment Verification option from the left-hand column menu. In the Enrollment Verification page, follow the steps to submitting a request for enrollment verification from the National Clearinghouse.

Through its verification services, the National Student Clearinghouse enables Chapman students with a StudentCenter.Chapman.edu account to print Enrollment Verifications free of charge to send to health insurers, housing providers, or financial institutions requiring proof of enrollment.

If you don't know your Chapman Username or forgot your password, call the Chapman Service Desk at (714) 997-6600.

Students without a StudentCenter.Chapman.edu Account

Former students who were enrolled at Chapman University prior to the StudentCenter.Chapman.edu system may go to the National Student Clearinghouse website to use their verification services. Once there, click on the ORDER-TRACK-VERIFY Green button and select the Verify Degrees, Enrollment & Certification option from the drop-down-menu. To request a verification, use the Verify Now Green button.

New users will be asked to create an account, and a fee will be charged for the verification service.

Former students without a StudentCenter.Chapman.edu account and are unable to obtain verifications through the National Student Clearinghouse, please contact Chapman University Registrar's Office at registrar@chapman.edu.

Institutions or Organizations Requesting Enrollment or Degree Verifications

Insurance companies, lending agencies, credit card companies, travel companies, consumer product companies, employment agencies should contact the National Student Clearinghouse directly. The Clearinghouse' Degree Verify and Enrollment Verify Services are available to organizations or institutions requesting proofs of enrollment for a fee. To request enrollment or degree verification certifications on Chapman University students, contact the National Student Clearinghouse directly at www.degreeverify.org.

For questions, please e-mail: service@studentclearinghouse.org