
Students are considered withdrawn from the Chapman University if:

  1. The student drops all courses in which they are enrolled during a semester.
  2. After completing a semester the student does not return for the subsequent semester. 

Students withdrawing during the semester or a term may drop their classes through StudentCenter.Chapman.edu during the drop and withdraw periods in the term being attended.

Undergraduate students who plan to return after interrupting their enrollment at Chapman University must review the Interrupted Enrollment policy.

Graduate students who plan to return after interrupting their enrollment must review the Leave of Absence policy.

Current students who are uncertain whether to withdraw from the university are strongly urged to contact the campus Dean of Students prior to withdrawing. Graduate students should contact the Provost's Office.

Steps to Withdraw

  1. Drop all classes in which you are currently enrolled on StudentCenter.Chapman.edu
  2. Students who are certain they will not return to Chapman University and wish to end their academic program should email the Office of the University Registrar at registrar@chapman.edu and request a Complete Withdrawal. 
  3. Contact the Financial Aid Office to review how withdrawal will impact your financial aid and loans.
  4. Contact the Business Office to review your account and update any outstanding balances. Refunds are available based upon Chapman University's Tuition Refund Schedule for the term.
  5. As a courtesy, let your academic advisor know of your departure.
  6. If you are a resident student, see your residence director to check out and turn in your key.
  7. Other considerations: turn in library books, athletic equipment, film and television equipment, and any other items which belong to Chapman University.