»Application For Degree Conferral

Attention Law School students: for Law School graduation information, contact the Law School Registrar at 714-628-2522.

Degrees Conferred

Degrees for completed programs are conferred on the last day of the month in which the term ends (see Application Deadlines). Applicants for degree conferral must plan to complete their program requirements by the end of the term for which they applied. If degree requirements cannot be completed, a new application for a subsequent term must be submitted, along with applicable fees and deadlines.

Steps to Apply for Degree Conferral

  • Review your Program Evaluation in Campus Solutions to determine your expected date of graduation.
  • If the program listed on your Program Evaluation is not the program you intend to complete, request to have your program changed officially by submitting a Change of Major/Minor/Emphasis form to the Registrar's Office.
  • For instructions on submitting your degree conferral, please click here.
  • If your current Program Evaluation indicates that you are required to take a comprehensive exam, contact the Academic Department in your program.

All correspondence and subsequent notices on the status of your application will be sent to your Chapman e-mail address.

Planning for Your Degree Conferral

  • In addition to the requirements listed on your Program Evaluation, all Bachelor degrees must meet the basic graduation requirements in their catalog year. Review the Degree Requirements pages of your catalog.
  • The number of credits allowed toward any baccalaureate degree may be limited. Check the Limitation of Credit policy under the Academic Policies section of your catalog to confirm the number of credits counting towards your degree.
  • Doctoral and Masters degree requirements must be completed within a seven-year period.
  • It is recommended that you meet with your advisor to review your Program Evaluation before applying for degree conferral.
  • Prior to the application deadline, submit to the Registrar's Office if applicable:
    • requests for any adjustments to your Program Evaluation
    • requests to add or remove a program
    • any Change of Major or Minor forms
All degree requirements--including, but not limited to, any incomplete or "SP" grades, internships, counseling hours, comprehensive exams, etc. -- must be completed and received at the Registrar's Office by the last day of the month in which the degree is to be conferred.

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