»Frequently Asked Questions

Please find answers to some of our most frequently asked questions below. If you have questions that are not addressed, please contact our Disability Services office.

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Is registering with Disability Services right for me?

If you think you have an issue (learning, psychological, medical, and/or physical) that is limiting you from performing at your best in school, please make an appointment with the Director by calling (714) 516-4520. We can discuss the issue and explore options.

How do I register with Disability Services?

Please see our How to Register page.

How do I schedule an appointment?

Schedule an appointment by calling (714) 516-4520 or you can also email Disability Services.

How soon can I meet with the Director?

Schedules vary throughout the academic year. The beginning of each semester tends to be the busiest. We encourage our visitors to plan accordingly.

What kind of accommodations do you offer?

Each student is assessed on an individual basis. Accommodations vary depending on each student’s needs.

Example of accommodations we provide:

  • Coordination of special arrangements to meet individual test-taking needs
  • Volunteer peer notetakers
  • Permission to use a voice recorder in lecture classes
  • Sign language interpretation for deaf students
  • Real Time Captioning services
  • Special tables and chairs in the classroom
  • Facilitation of obtaining books in alternate formats

What kind of documentation do I need to receive accommodations?

Documentation guidelines explain the guidelines for all disability documentation. It also lists various tests that are useful to determine appropriate accommodations for learning disabilities and ADHD.

What should I bring for my first appointment with the Director?

If you have not already submitted any disability documentation bring it with you to the intake meeting. We will review your documentation together, discuss how your disability has impacted your learning to date and agree upon what accommodations are reasonable and appropriate for your education experience at Chapman University. Note: approved accommodations at a previous college/university are not automatically guaranteed. Accommodations are approved based on the actual disability documentation (scores, medical tests, physician clinical reports, etc.).

Disability Testing Information

Does Chapman University offer testing to diagnose learning disorders or ADHD/ADD?

No. Students may contact Disability Services to request a list of testing referrals.

I am a current student and think I may have a learning disorder.

You may contact Disability Services to schedule an appointment with the Director to explore your options.

Where can I find out more information about learning disorders?

Please refer to our Resources page for helpful information. The learning disabilities information is great information for students and parents. It also contains useful Chapman University specific information.

General Accommodation Information

I had accommodations in high school. Will I continue to have the same accommodations?

It is possible to have some or similar accommodations, but it is not automatic. In high school accommodations were provided under the legislative act called IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act). Accommodations were provided to support the student to be as successful as possible. In higher education disability accommodations are provided under the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). The goal of this legislation is to provide equal access to education. Accommodations are to compensate for limiting functions of a disability. This allows the student with a disability to compete equally among their classmates.

How can I get testing accommodations?

You must have a diagnosis supported by adequate documentation. See our documentation guidelines. All accommodations are determined by the Director and are assessed on an individual basis.

How soon can I get testing accommodations?

Most accommodations are effective after meeting with the Director and after the professor has been notified. This is not always immediate, so meeting with the Director is important before the accommodation is needed.

I am a current/prospective student and would like to know what kind of services and accommodations you offer to students with disabilities.

Each student is assessed on an individual basis. Accommodations vary depending on each student’s needs. Please refer to the how to register page to start the process.

I am a current or prospective student with a disability and need special housing accommodations. 

Housing requests disability documentation separately. Please visit the Residence Life website for further information.

I am a current student and have been approved for accommodations. How do I get those accommodations each semester?

Each semester you will need to submit a Semester Request via the online Accommodate account. This will automatically send an email to you with an accommodation letter that is to be forwarded to your professors. Specific instructions on these steps can be found in your Accommodate profile.

Testing Accommodation Information (Orange Campus Only)

I am a current student and have testing accommodations.  Where do I take my exams?

At the Testing Center inside DeMille Hall Room 160. Please call Testing Center at (714) 997-6828 for further information.

How do I schedule an exam?

Log into your Accommodate profile and click the Room Booking tab (at least 1 week before regular exams and 1 month before finals). There you will select the appropriate date and time to take the exam. The Testing Center will contact the professor to ask for the exam.