»Services Available to Students with Disabilities



  • Receives and evaluates documentation provided by students to verify disabilities
  • Consults with students about appropriate individualized accommodations based upon documentation
  • Certifies eligibility for accommodation(s)
  • Serves as an advocate for students with faculty or administrators
  • Arranges for and/or refers students to auxiliary aides (devices or services that compensate for a disabling condition; i.e., interpreters, readers for exams, assistive technology, textbooks in alternate format, etc.)
  • Training for assistive technology
  • Provides information and individual counseling to students regarding disability issues and their legal rights and responsibilities
  • Conducts informational and training programs regarding services to persons with disabilities for the faculty and staff
  • Maintains access to multiple databases to provide textbooks in alternate format

Examples of Accommodations that are arranged by Disability Services

  • Coordination of special arrangements to meet individual test taking needs
  • Volunteer peer notetakers
  • Permission to use a voice recorder in lecture classes
  • Sign language interpretation
  • Real Time Captioning services
  • Alternative tables and chairs in the classroom
  • Facilitation of obtaining books in alternate formats

Examples of accommodations that are not made or arranged by Disability Services

ADA does not require colleges to provide personal assistants, individual personal tutors, or personal assistive technology. Whenever possible, the Disability Services office will refer students to agencies which may provide personal assistance of that nature. Accommodations are not made which would reduce academic expectations, standards, or which would eliminate essential components of any course. Open book testing or exams are not provided as an accommodation, but may be a part of any particular professor’s methodology for instruction and testing.