hide-and-seek by Li Anne Liew • Photography
Student-run art and literary magazine

»Calliope Art & Literary Magazine

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In Greek mythology, Calliope was the eldest of the Muses, goddesses of dance, music, and song.  As the goddess of epic poetry, Calliope would grant her gift to kings and princes––most known for inspiring Homer to write The Illiad and The Odyssey. She is commonly depicted wearing a gold crown and holding a scroll or book in one hand, representing her eloquence as well as her love for the written word.

Chapman students of all levels and majors are invited to submit their work. Calliope editors and board members are graduate and undergraduate students who apply for the job each preceding academic semester. Further details on the submission and application process are below, along with past issues of Chapman's previous magazine, Elephant Tree, in PDF format.

The journal's faculty advisor, Brian Glaser, oversees the editorial and art board for each semester's issue, often with input from other faculty within the Department of English. Editorial and art board member positions are accepted at the end of each fall and spring semester, and the positions are held for the entire semester. Applications should be submitted to the current editor.

Since the magazine's editors and board members are also writers and artists, members are allowed to submit creative work for the board's review. Each submission is reviewed without the author's name to create an unbiased process. 

Roughly 500 copies are printed for each issue, and these copies are freely distributed.  All published authors will receive at least one print copy of the magazine. After print publication, the magazine's contents will be made available online.

Photo header: hide-and-seek by Li Anne Liew

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Submission Guidelines

Submissions are currently OPEN for the Fall 2023 issue of Calliope.

  • Watch our Instagram @chapmancalliope for updates on the final issue, blog posts, and writing tips!
  • Keep an eye out at the end of the semester when we will be hiring new staff members for both the art and editorial board! 
  • You can also check out our website for past issues or email us at calliope@chapman.edu if you have any questions.
  • Website link: https://calliopecu.wixsite.com/calliope.