BA French

Learning at Chapman

BA French

Learning at Chapman

»BA French Learning Outcomes

  1. Critical Thinking: The desired learning outcome is that the student demonstrates mastery of the WASC Core Competency of Critical Thinking by writing entirely in French a 25-page senior thesis, researching primary and secondary sources on the topic approved by the instructor, and developing a comprehensive interpretation, analysis and synthesis of the topic. The Critical Thinking Value Rubric of Association of American Colleges and Universities (AACU) specifically assesses for Critical Thinking. The Student will score at the Milestones 3 or above level in all categories (i.e. explanation of issues, evidence, influences of context and assumptions, student’s position, and conclusion and related outcomes).

  2. Oral Communication: The desired learning outcome is that students will demonstrate linguistic oral competency in the target language at the American Council of Teaching Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Advanced or above level. To do so, students will present their ideas in fluid speech (objective 1), use appropriate vocabulary (objective 2), and use correct grammar and syntax (objective 3). The presentation of the capstone thesis represents the culmination of interdisciplinary courses in which this Student Learning Outcome and the WASC core competency of oral communication are introduced and reinforced (please see our curricular map in the annex). Students bring their rich experience in oral competency in the other interdisciplinary courses offered in French to the presentation of their capstone thesis.

  3. Written Communication: The desired learning outcome is that students will be able to compose a well-written, 25-page, persuasive essay in the target language. Students will write, entirely in French, a 25-page senior thesis with an explicit thesis statement (objective 1), present support for their argument by researching primary and secondary sources on the topic approved by the instructor and by developing a comprehensive interpretation, analysis and synthesis of the topic (objective 2), and demonstrate mastery of French grammatical structures (objective 3) at the ACTFL level of Advanced or above for Written Communication.

  4. Information Literacy: The student demonstrates mastery of the WASC Core Competency of Information Literacy by writing entirely in French a 25-page senior thesis, by researching primary and secondary sources on the topic approved by the instructor, and by developing a comprehensive interpretation, analysis and synthesis of the topic. The Information Literacy Value Rubric of Association of American Colleges and Universities (AACU) specifically assesses for SLO and WASC core competency. The Student will score at the Milestones 3 or above level as defined by the AACU Information Literacy Value Rubric in all categories (i.e., Determine the Extent of Information Needed, Access the Needed Information, Evaluate Information and its Sources Critically, Use Information Effectively to Accomplish a Specific Purpose, and Access and Use Information Ethically and Legally).

  5. Quantitative Reasoning: The student demonstrates mastery of the WASC Core Competency of Quantitative Literacy by reading and interpreting quantitative data to test hypotheses and/or research questions and incorporating the findings into written work or presentations. The Quantitative Literacy Value Rubric of Association of American Colleges and Universities (AACU) specifically assesses for SLO and WASC core competency. The Student will score at the Milestones 3 or above level as defined by the AACU Rubric in all categories (i.e., Interpretation, Representation, Calculation, Application/Analysis, Assumptions, and Communication).