A maximum of 32 credits may be earned by examination including AP, IB, CLEP and DSST. Credit earned for exams taken after matriculation to Chapman count towards degree requirements limiting transfer credit. After matriculation each exam may only be attempted once. No credit is awarded for a course or subject area in which the student has already received college level instruction.

Approvals listed are based on the ACE minimum score. Exams marked with an asterisk (*) may be eligible for major or minor credit with department chair approval. A higher minimum score may be required to allow credit in the major.

Exams offered by College Board not included here have not been approved by the departments for degree applicable credit. No credit is given for foreign language exams.

Official scores must be sent directly from College Board to the Office of the Registrar. Student copies will not be accepted.

Current students are recommended to confirm their eligibility to earn credit prior to taking any exam. No credit is allowed for those subjects the student has already earned or attempted credit in or completed more advanced coursework in.

GE Area Codes: AI (Artistic Inquiry), CC (Citizenship, Community, Service Inquiry), GC (Global Studies Inquiry), LC (Language Inquiry), NI (Natural Sciences Inquiry), QI (Quantitative Inquiry), SI (Social Inquiry), VI (Values and Ethics Inquiry), and WI (Written Inquiry).

CLEP Subject Exams Minimum Score Chapman Equivalency Credit GE Area Limitations
American Government * 50 POSC-110 3 SI,CC GE or elective credit
American Literature * 50 ENG-100TRLIT 3 AI GE or elective credit
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature 50 ENG-100TRLIT 3 AI Must be taken prior to any other courses in literature
Biology 50 BIOL-100TR 3 NI GE only, must be taken prior to any other courses in biology
Chemistry 50 CHEM-100TR 3 NI GE only, must be taken prior to any other courses in chemistry
College Composition 50 ENG-103 3 WI Must be taken prior to any other GE WI course
English Literature 50 ENG-100TRLIT 3 AI GE or elective credit
Human Growth and Development 50 PSY-100TR 3 SI GE or elective credit
Information Systems and Computer Appl. 50 CPSC-100TR 3   Elective credit only
Intro to Psychology * 50 PSY-101 3 SI GE or elective credit
Intro to Sociology * 50 SOC-101 3 SI GE or elective credit
Precalculus 50 MATH-101 4 NONE Elective/ prerequisite credit only
U.S. History I * 50 HIST-101 3 SI GE or elective credit
U.S. History II * 50 HIST-103 3 SI GE or elective credit
Western Civ I * 50 HIST-110 3 SI GE or elective credit
Western Civ II * 50 HIST-112 3 SI

GE or elective credit


CLEP General Exams Minimum Score Chapman Equivalency Credit Elective credit only Limitations
Humanities 50 TRAN-100TR 3 N/A Must be taken prior to courses attempted or completed in any of the areas covered in exam
Natural Sciences 50 TRAN-100TR 3 N/A Must be taken prior to any attempted or completed science courses
Social Sciences and History 50 TRAN-100TR 3 N/A Must be taken prior to courses attempted or completed in any of the areas covered in the exam