• A father and son at a candle lighting ceremony
Incoming Undergraduates & Families

Academic Success Tips

»Academic Success Tips

It takes time to adjust to increased academic demands. Students may be surprised by the expectations and quantity of work required in college courses. Even the brightest and best high school student may find the adjustment to college academic expectations a challenge. As a parent or family member, you know your student’s strengths and limitations, and you are in the best position to encourage and support his or her positive behaviors.

What your student can do to achieve academic success

Go to class

The semester goes by quickly and missing a class could mean missing something crucial.

Visit professor's office hours

Our professors are here for your students, and student success is their priority. All faculty members make themselves available outside the classroom.

Utilize academic and faculty advisors

Your student’s academic advisor is a resource for general education information, degree requirements and academic policies. The faculty advisor can provide more insight on a specific program and/or major. For students who enter undeclared, the Academic Advising Center will serve as their hub before they declare a major and are assigned a faculty advisor. Contact information for their advisor can be found here or by calling (714) 744-7959.

Get a tutor

Tackle potential issues before grades start to fall by encouraging your student to visit the Tutoring, Learning and Testing Center.

Practice study habits

Establishing good study habits is important. There are many places on campus that provide effective learning space. Study groups with peers can also be effective and should be encouraged.


What parents and families can do

  • Listen to your student’s feelings about his or her classes and graded work.
  • Remember that students tend to mirror your level of anxiety. Calmness is contagious.
  • Empathize with your student’s anxiety about their workload.
  • Reassure your student that you know they are capable of handling their work.
  • Encourage your student to take advantage of professor’s office hours.



Contact Parent and Family Engagement


Phone: (714) 997-6558

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Empezando en español

Getting Started en Español

Visit the Getting Started en Español page for information on how to help your child stay on track as they prepare for their first semester at Chapman, all in Spanish.

Visita la página de Empezando en español para obtener información sobre cómo ayudar a tu hijo a mantenerse en el camino mientras se prepara para su primer semestre en Chapman.