• A father and son at a candle lighting ceremony
Incoming Undergraduates & Families

Campus Safety Tips

»Campus Safety Tips

Chapman University's Department of Public Safety facilitates a safe environment conducive to learning, working and personal growth through the development of partnerships with all campus community members.

The Public Safety Department conducts 24-hour patrol of the university using automobile, foot and bicycle patrol methods.

Student tips From Public Safety

  • Always lock your doors.
  • Do not leave personal property unattended.
  • Do not walk alone after hours.
  • Trust your instincts. Call Public Safety if you see something suspicious. They have a 24-dispatch that can be reached at (714) 997-6763.
  • Always feel free to take advantage of the programs and services offered by Public Safety.


Public Safety programs and services

Campus emergency phones

Students can push the button on any blue light phone located all over the campus for a direct line to help.

Panther Guardian

Download the free Rave Guardian safety app to check in with family, friends, the Chapman University Department of Public Safety, or others you trust to help you stay safe both on and off campus. The Panther Guardian app is an effective way for students, staff, and faculty to communicate with Public Safety via a smart phone.

Panther Alert

In the event of an emergency on campus the Panther Alert system will notify your student through a text message or call. Students are automatically included on the distribution list, but for parents to be included, students must add parent information on the emergency contact form in the Panther Alert System.

Crime alert bulletins

If a crime occurs on or near campus that may impact the community, notification will be
sent out in the form of a Crime Alert Bulletin. These bulletins include details as to the crime
in question, the location and possible suspects. They can be found at
on the Public Safety blog.

Vehicle jumpstarts

Public Safety offers the service of jumpstarting your student’s vehicle should the battery give out while on campus.

Rape Awareness Defense classes (R.A.D.)

The nationally acclaimed R.A.D. program is offered to females of the Chapman community.
The Rape Aggression Defense System is a program of realistic self-defense tactics and
techniques for women.


Prevention, Awareness, and Working together for Safety is a crime prevention program
that concentrates on strategies to avoid being a victim, being aware of surroundings, the
power of a community watch mindset and the responsibility to be a good community

Property services

Found property can be turned in at the main Public Safety office. Items will be documented
and held for 90 days for pickup by their owners.



Contact Parent and Family Engagement


Phone: (714) 997-6558

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Getting Started en Español

Visit the Getting Started en Español page for information on how to help your child stay on track as they prepare for their first semester at Chapman, all in Spanish.

Visita la página de Empezando en español para obtener información sobre cómo ayudar a tu hijo a mantenerse en el camino mientras se prepara para su primer semestre en Chapman.