• A father and son at a candle lighting ceremony
Incoming Undergraduates & Families

Commuter Students Tips

»Commuter Students Tips

“Commuter student” is often synonymous with “living at home.” Sometimes this is the case, but there are also students who travel from other locations just to have a place of their own. Here are some things to keep in mind for all commuter students.

If your Student Lives at Home, Discuss Expectations

Commuter students may be on campus quite late to attend review sessions or to complete
homework and class projects in small groups. Discuss how you want your student to
communicate with you if he or she plans on staying in the residence halls with a friend or
will be on campus late into the night to work on a project

Don't be Offended if your Student is Spending Less Time at Home

There are many things going on in a family environment (siblings, TV, family time, etc.)
that may be a distraction to your student. Spending extended amounts of time on
campus is entirely normal.

Your student has access to many resources on campus that they
do not have at home. Having a conversation about family involvement and household
responsibilities before your student starts classes will help set up your expectations.

Encourage Campus Involvement

Many parents and family worry about their commuter student getting the full college
experience. By getting involved on campus, students will immerse themselves in the campus culture which will help them avoid the fear of missing out. It’s proven that students are more successful when they are involved and invested in their campus.



Contact Parent and Family Engagement


Phone: (714) 997-6558

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Empezando en Español

Getting Started en Español

Visit the Getting Started en Español page for information on how to help your child stay on track as they prepare for their first semester at Chapman, all in Spanish.

Visita la página de Empezando en español para obtener información sobre cómo ayudar a tu hijo a mantenerse en el camino mientras se prepara para su primer semestre en Chapman.