The grant was part of the Getting to Know Europe Initiative (GTKE), a program funded by the European Union was created to increase knowledge and understanding, within local and regional communities in the United States, of the European Union, its international role, its policies, its culture, and the value and significance of the EU-US transatlantic partnership. Through this partnership with GTKE Dr. Fuery begin developing partnerships across the world by funding artist/writers/scholars in residence, allowing for the hosting of conferences and roundtables bringing together regional, domestic and international guests, and finally allowing for the formation and launch of a creative incubator program that would allow for students to build ongoing CCI projects.
Following the completion of the grant programing, Dr. Fuery launched the Minor in CCI at Chapman University in the fall of 2018 which included the appointment of permanent faculty to the program. June of 2019 saw the launch of the Center for Creative and Cultural Industries which now houses the Minor in CCI and is continuing to offer students unique opportunities to partner with universities and institutions nationally and internationally in creative and cultural fields, such as the Center’s joining of the SDSN in spring of 2021. For a complete look at what partnerships and research CCI faculty are engaging in be sure to look at our Center for the Creative and Cultural Industries main webpage.