»Quantum Conference 2010

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First Day - Signal Amplification with the Aharonov-Bergmann-Lebowitz Formulation and the Aharonov-Albert-Vaidman Effect.

Morning Session: Monday, February 8, 2010

Yakir Aharonov (Chapman) - "Intro to Time-symmetric Quantum Mechanics & Weak Measurements"

Lev Vaidman (Tel Aviv) - "Amplification through the use of the Aharonov-Albert-Vaidman Effect"

Onur Hosten (Illinois-UC) - "Observation of Optical Spin Hall Effect Using Weak Measurements"

Aephraim Steinberg (Univ of Toronto) - "Weak Measurements of Single & Joint Observables Applied to Interaction-free Measurements & Single-photon Trajectories"

Afternoon Session:

Yakir Aharonov (Chapman) - "Intro to Time-symmetric Quantum Mechanics & Weak Measurements II"

Andrew Jordan/John Howell (Univ of Rochester) - "Precision Measurements of Phase and Beam Deflection Using Weak Values"  

Discussion (led by Jeff Tollaksen) - "Constraints on Signal Amplification through the use of the Aharonov-Albert-Vaidman effect" 

Evening Session:

Alexander Korotkov (UC Riverside) - "Weak Measurements in Solid State Systems: Theory & Experiment"

Mankei Tsang (MIT) - "Optimal Waveform Estimation via Time-Symmetric Quantum Smoothing"