»AAV Anniversary Conference - Celebrating 30 Years of Weak Values

Chapman University is honored to host a celebratory conference commemorating the 30th anniversary of the first paper on weak values by Aharonov, Albert, and Vaidman (click here to read it). The conference will be held fromMarch 1 - 2, immediately to be followed by another Chapman conference on Quantum Simulation and Quantum Walks from March 3-4, 2018.

Also, note that the March Meeting of the American Physical Society takes place the following week (March 5 - 9) in Los Angeles, CA, which is near Chapman University, providing everybody with a third reason to come visit us in sunny Southern California.

Further details about the aims of the conference follow below:

The concept of a weak value, first formulated by Aharonov, Albert and Vaidman in their 1988 PRL paper "How the result of a measurement of a component of a spin-1/2 particle can turn out to be 100" (PRL 60:1351, 1988) has attracted widespread attention, which has only increased in recent years.  It has given rise to a lot of interesting thought experiments, many of which are now being implemented in the lab.  The mathematical formalism of weak values has also given rise to the related concept of superoscillations, which have been of great interest to mathematical physicists.

In recent years anomalous weak values have been shown to be related to quantum contextuality, and have attracted increasing attention for their possible application to quantum metrology, known as "weak value amplification".

This symposium will survey the development of weak values, and explore the current debates about their foundational significance and practical applications. We are also accepting abstract submissions for contributing talks and poster presentations, and strongly encourage students and young researchers to join us at this conference.

Conference Information

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Keynote Speakers Schedule

March 1st - in Fish Interfaith Center

9:05AM Yakir Aharonov: TBD

10AM Lev Vaidman: The meaning of the weak value.

11:30AM Andrew Jordan: Weak value amplification: overview and recent results.

Shengshi Pang: Protecting weak measurements against systematic errors.

2PM Alex Matzkin: Single particle non-locality induced by time-dependent boundary conditions: can superluminal signaling be tested with weak measurements?

2:30PM Yutaka Shikano: Control of optical propagation distance by post-selection.

3PM Justin Dressel: Weak values in the wild.

4PM Poster Presentations Session

5:30PM Neil Turok: Quantum Universe - a popular talk.

March 2nd - in Beckman Hall, Conference Room 404

9 - 11AM

A special announcement from Daniele Struppa and Neil Turok.

Neil Turok: Quantum Universe - a technical talk.

Yakir Aharonov: How to derive superoscillations and quantum walks from weak values.

Daniele Struppa: Mathematical aspects of superoscillations.

11:30AM Margaret Reid: Tests of macro-realism and quantum weak values for NOON states and Bose-Einstein condensates.

12PM Stephan Sponar: Weak values & quantum paradoxes: experimental studies in neutron optics.

2PM Avshalom Elitzur: Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence: on a new prediction of TSVF verified by strong measurements.

2:30PM Yves Caudano: Revisiting the quantum three-box paradox using weak measurements and the Majorana representation of the states on the Bloch sphere.

3PM Ravi Kunjwal: Noise-robust noncontextuality inequalities from the Kochen-Specker theorem.

4PM Cai Waegell: Contextuality, pre- and post-selection paradoxes, and weak values.

4:30PM Panel Discussion

Conference Venue Locations

Please click here for a map of Chapman campus, with the locations for both March 1st and March 2nd circled for your convenience.

For our guests arriving to campus from their hotels by shuttle, the drop-off location at Schmid Gate (circled in red on your map) is conveniently positioned between Fish Interfaith Center, our conference venue for March 1st (circled in orange), and Beckman Hall, Conference Room 404, our conference venue for March 2nd (circled in yellow).

Weak Values & Aharonov, Albert, and Vaidman

First published in Physical Review Letters in 1988, How the Result of a Measurement of a Component of Spin of a Spin 1/2 Particle Can Turn Out to be 100 by Yakir Aharonov, David Z. Albert, and Lev Vaidman has helped to revolutionize the scientific community's appreciation for quantum mechanics.

Read it now: How the Result of a Measurement of a Component of Spin of a Spin 1/2 Particle Can Turn Out to be 100

Call for Abstracts - Poster Presentations

The Organizing Committee recommends all poster presentations display at a standard size of 36" x 48". Foam-core boards will be available for pinning/clipping your paper poster to, as well as easels that can accommodate both landscape and portrait orientations (so, please use what's best for the presentation).

Abstracts: Please download and use our .docx template when formatting your abstract submissions. Our template is conveniently available here: Abstract Template.

When ready to submit your abstracts for review, please e-mail them to us at quantum@chapman.edu

Local Information

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Hotel Accommodations and Transportation

We have arranged group-discounted hotel rooms at two locations: the ALO Hotel, and the Ayres Hotel. Both hotels are located less than two miles distance from Chapman University, and sit next to each other, side-by-side.

Reserve a room at the ALO Hotel

Reserve a room at the Ayres Hotel

Shuttles will be available to transport attendees from the Ayres Hotel to Chapman campus every morning between 8-9AM, and from Chapman campus back to the Ayres Hotel between 630-730PM on March 1st, and between 730-830PM on March 2nd. Chapman University campus pick-up/drop-off locations will be in the same place: Schmid Gate, which may be found here on our campus map.

If you will be driving your own vehicle, please e-mail us at quantum@chapman.edu to receive a campus parking permit.