Welcome to the Institute for Quantum Studies (IQS). The Institute aims to be a hub for research and public outreach in a variety of specialized areas of quantum mechanics, with particular emphasis on the foundations of quantum mechanics, and quantum information. IQS organizes a program of conferences, workshops, and public outreach events with the goal of advancing the progress and public awareness of frontier research in these areas.
»Institute for Quantum Studies
IQS Members in the News and Announcements
- Andrew Jordan's work was featured in "A Quantum Leap in Power Generation" by Zeeya Merali by the John Templeton Foundation
- Congratulations to Dr. Andrew Jordan for receiving the Medal of Honor from the Frontiers of Quantum and Mesoscopic Themodynamics conference in Prague, Czech Republic 2024!
- Chapman University's Yakir Aharonov Elected as a Member of the Royal Society!
- Webinar series "Thinking Beyond" discusses the latest news on quantum measurement
- Please join us on Tuesday, February 27th @ 3:00pm at the Keck Center McCardle Collaboration Steps for Andrew N. Jordan and Irfan Siddiqi's book launch! Details are below:
- Time: Tuesday, February 27th
- 3:00-4:00pm Book Presentation, Keck Center 1st Floor
- 4:00-6:00pm Reception, Keck Center Faculty Lounge 330
- Title: Quantum Measurement, Theory and Practice
- Speakers: Andrew N. Jordan (Chapman University) and Irfan A. Siddiqi (UC Berkeley)
- Abstract: With an introduction from President Struppa, this public talk will launch our newly
published book from Cambridge University Press. The topic of quantum measurement
will be introduced at a general level, accessible to students, faculty, and members
of the general public. We will discuss both the conceptual content of the book, how
and why we wrote it, as well as some of the initial reactions from colleagues around
the world. The book can be ordered in advance on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/dp/1009100068 . A reception with refreshments and book signing will follow in Keck 330.
- Time: Tuesday, February 27th
- Quantum Measurement, Theory & Practice by Andrew N. Jordan and Irfan A. Siddiqi
- $3 Million Surprise Gift Endows Chairs in Math, Philosophy and Physics | Chapman Newsroom
- Schmid College of Science and Technology and the MPP program will organize a conference on the utility of philosophy for the sciences. Info on this conference can be found here.
- Chapman Newsroom Article - Super Radar featuring Andrew N. Jordan and John C. Howell
- Killefer building renovations to open new opportunities for research, engagement for Chapman University
- Renovations Begin on Historic Killefer School
- John C. Howell, Andrew N. Jordan, Barbara Soda, and Achim Kempf's article was published in the Physical Review Letters, "Super Interferometirc Range Resolution." Physics commentary about the article can be found here.
- Super Radar: Breakthrough radar research overcomes a nearly century-old trade-off between wavelength and distance resolution by Dr. John Howell
The members of the Institute of Quantum Studies congratulate our Director, Yakir Aharonov, for winning the 2023 Pomeranchuk prize in physics, together with Arcady Tseytlin.The Pomeranchuk Prize is an international award for theoretical physics, awarded annually since 1998 by the Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP) from Moscow. It is named after the Russian physicist Isaak Yakovlevich Pomeranchuk, who together with Landau established the Theoretical Physics department of the Institute.http://www.itep.ru
- Andrew N. Jordan, Bibek Bhandari, Robert Czuprynaik, and Paolo Andrea Erdman's article in the Entropy Journal "Measurment-Based Quantum Thermal Machines with Feedback Control."
- Andrew N. Jordan and Alexia Auffeves work on quantum measurement was published in
Physical Review Letters, "Energetic Cost of Measurements Using Quantum, Coherent, and Thermal Light."
- Andrew N. Jordan, Irfan Siddiqi, and Justin Dressel's work on quantum error correction
was published in Nature Communications, "Experimental demonstration of continuous quantum error correction."
- Read more about Andrew Jordan, the new Co-Director of the Institute for Quantum Studies, "Exploring Quantum Mysteries Drives Chapman Institute Toward Breakthroughs."
- IQS members Mordecai Waegell and Kelvin McQueen's work on Bell's theorem and the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics was featured in the New Scientist magazine article, "A classic quantum theorem may prove there are many parallel universes". The scientific article that this was based on, "Reformulating Bell's theorem: The search for a truly local quantum theory", was published in Studies in the History and Philosophy of Modern Physics in May 2020.
- IQS member Matt Leifer was interviewed on The Bus Driver Experience podcast by Brandon Reese. Listen to the episode now
- Quantum Studies
- Quantum Conference 2010
- Aharonov, Albert, & Vaidman (AAV) Conference
- About IQS
- Directors
- Affiliated Scholars and Researchers
- Quantum Studies Journal
- Talks with Michael Berry
- Infinite Potential: The Life and Ideas of David Bohm
- Distinguished Visiting Professors in Residence
- Francois Englert, Ph.D.
- Full-Time Faculty and Postdoctoral Fellows
- Institute for Quantum Studies
- IQS Seminar Series
- Quantum Studies Journal
- Popular Material
- Quantum Physics and Logic 2019
- Quantum Simulation and Quantum Walks (QSQW)
- Research Topics
- Published Research
- Yakir Aharonov's Birthday Conference
- Superhydrides and More
- Support IQS
- YA80 Conference
- YA80 Public Event and Discussion
- Videos of the YA80 Conference Talks