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Phys. Rev. Applied 20, 064046 – Published 27 December 2023
Fundamental Limits on Subwavelength Range Resolution
Andrew N. Jordan, John C. Howell
Optics Express 31, 37174, (2023)
Supergrowth and sub-wavelength object imaging
Tathagata Karmakar, Abhishek Chakraborty, A. Nick Vamivakas, Andrew N. Jordan
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor.56 495204 (2023)
DOI 10.1088/1751-8121/ad09ec
Beyond Superoscillation: General Theory of Approximation with Bandlimited Functions
Tathagata Karmakar, Andrew N. Jordan
Nature Physics (2024), https://doi.org/10.1038/s41567-023-02326-7
Programmable Heisenberg interactions between Floquet qubits
Long B. Nguyen, Yosep Kim, Akel Hashim, Noah Goss, Brian Marinelli, Bibek Bhandari, Debmalya
Das, Ravi K. Naik, John Mark Kreikebaum, Andrew N. Jordan, David I. Santiago, Irfan
PRX Quantum 4, 040324 – Published 9 November 2023
Time-Dependent Hamiltonian Reconstruction using Continuous Weak Measurements
Karthik Siva, Gerwin Koolstra, John Steinmetz, William P. Livingston, Debmalya Das, Larry
Chen, John Mark Kreikebaum, Noah Stevenson, Christian Jünger, David I. Santiago, Irfan
Siddiqi, Andrew N. Jordan
Quantum 7, 1099 (2023).
Energy-efficient entanglement generation and readout in a spin-photon interface
Maria Maffei, Bruno O. Goes, Stephen C. Wein, Andrew N. Jordan, Loïc Lanco and Alexia
Phys. Rev. A108, 052408 – Published 8 November 2023[Editor's Suggestion]
Optimal photonic gates for quantum-enhanced telescopes
Robert Czupryniak, John Steinmetz, Paul G. Kwiat, Andrew N. Jordan
Dressel, J., Reznik, G. and Vaidman, L., 2024. Comment on" From counterportation to local wormholes". Quantum Science and Technology, 9018001.
Aharonov, Y., Popescu, S. and Rohrlich, D., 2023. Conservation laws and the foundations of quantum mechanics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(41), p.e2220810120.
Abe, H., Akutsu, T., Ando, M., Araya, A., Aritomi, N., Asada, H., Aso, Y., Bae, S., Bae, Y., Bajpai, R. and Cannon, K., 2023. Noise subtraction from KAGRA O3GK data using Independent Component Analysis. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 40(8), p.085015.
Pan, Y., Cohen, E., Karimi, E., Gover, A., Schönenberger, N., Chlouba, T., Wang, K., Nehemia, S., Hommelhoff, P., Kaminer, I. and Aharonov, Y., 2023. Weak measurements and quantum-to-classical transitions in free electron–photon interactions. Light: Science & Applications, 12(1), p.267.
Sen, I., 2024. Physical interpretation of non-normalizable harmonic oscillator states and relaxation to pilot-wave equilibrium. Scientific Reports, 14(1), p.669.
Pan, W.W., Liu, X., Xu, X.Y., Wang, Q.Q., Cheng, Z.D., Wang, J., Liu, Z.D., Chen, G., Zhou, Z.Q., Li, C.F. and Guo, G.C., 2023. Counterfactual communication without a trace in the transmission channel. NPJ Quantum Information, 9(1), p.87.
Sica, L., 2023. An Alternative View: Satisfaction of the Four-Variable Bell Inequality Using Quantum Correlations. Journal of Modern Physics, 14(8), pp.1228-1239.
Catani, L., Leifer, M., Schmid, D. and Spekkens, R.W., 2023. Why interference phenomena do not capture the essence of quantum theory. Quantum, 7, p.1119.
Catani, L., Leifer, M., Scala, G., Schmid, D. and Spekkens, R.W., 2023. Aspects of the phenomenology of interference that are genuinely nonclassical. Physical Review A, 108(2), p.022207.
Stern, I., Bloch, Y., Grynszpan, E., Kahn, M., Aharonov, Y., Dressel, J., Cohen, E. and Howell, J.C., 2024. Light that appears to come from a source that does not exist. Physical Review A, 109(1), p.012206.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 053803 – Published 2 August 2023 [Editor's Suggestion]
Super Interferometric Range Resolution
John C. Howell, Andrew N. Jordan, Barbara Šoda, and Achim Kempf
See Focus story: Radar Resolution Gets a Boost
Phys. Rev. A 108, 012220 – Published 28 July 2023
A quantum Stirling heat engine operating in finite time
Debmalya Das, George Thomas, Andrew N. Jordan
Entropy 25, 204 (2023)
Measurement-based quantum thermal machines with feedback control
Bibek Bhandari, Robert Czupryniak, Paolo Andrea Erdman, Andrew N. Jordan
Phys. Rev. Research 5, 033045 – Published 25 July 2023
Quantum State Driving along Arbitrary Trajectories
Le Hu, Andrew N. Jordan
Phys. Rev. Research 5, 033122 – Published 22 August 2023
Many-body quantum vacuum fluctuation engines
Étienne Jussiau, Léa Bresque, Alexia Auffèves, Kater W. Murch, Andrew N. Jordan
Waegell, Mordecai, et al. "Quantum reality with negative-mass particles." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120.32 (2023): e2018437120.
Maffei, Maria, et al. "Energy-efficient quantum non-demolition measurement with a spin-photon interface." Quantum 7 (2023): 1099.
Leifer, Matthew S. "Uncertainty from the Aharonov–Vaidman identity." Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations (2023): 1-25.
Gallus, Christoph, Pawel Blasiak, and Emmanuel M. Pothos. "Winning a CHSH game without entangled particles in a finite number of biased rounds: how much luck is needed?." Entropy 25.5 (2023): 824.
Grossi, R., et al. "One Hundred Years Later: Stern-Gerlach Experiment and Dimension Witnesses." RevistaBrasileira de Ensino de Física 45 (2023): e20220227.
Konno, Norio, et al. "Quantum walks driven by quantum coins with two multiple eigenvalues." Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations 10.1 (2023): 41-65.
Teknowijoyo, Serafim, Sara Chahid, and Armen Gulian. "Flux-Quanta Injection for Nonreciprocal Current Control in a Two-Dimensional Noncentrosymmetric Superconducting Structure." Physical Review Applied 20.1 (2023): 014055.
Catani, Lorenzo, and Matthew Leifer. "A mathematical framework for operational fine tunings." Quantum 7 (2023): 948.
Gallus, Christoph, et al. "Bell correlations outside physics." Scientific Reports 13.1 (2023): 4394.
Waegell, Mordecai. "Local Quantum Theory with Fluids in Space-Time." Quantum Reports 5.1 (2023): 156-185.
Paiva, Ismael L., et al. "Aharonov–Bohm effect with an effective complex-valued vector potential." New Journal of Physics 25.5 (2023): 053017.
Reznik, Gregory, et al. "Photons are lying about where they have been, again." Physics Letters A 470 (2023): 128782.
Blasiak, P., Borsuk, E. & Markiewicz, M., 2022. Arbitrary entanglement of three qubits via linear optics. Sci Rep 12, 21596.
Livingston, W.P., Blok, M.S., Flurin, E., Dressel, J., Jordan, A.N. and Siddiqi, I., 2022. Experimental demonstration of continuous quantum error correction. Nature communications, 13(1), pp.1-7.
Ikeda, T., Ito, A., Miuchi, K., Soda, J., Kurashige, H. and Shikano, Y., 2022. Axion search with quantum nondemolition detection of magnons. Physical Review D, 105(2102.08764).
Sica, L., 2022. Conditional Independence Leads to Satisfaction of the Bell Inequality without Assuming Non-Locality or Non-Reality. Advances in Pure Mathematics, 12(5), pp.405-417.
Sica, L., 2022. Conditional Independence Leads to Satisfaction of the Bell Inequality without Assuming Non-Locality or Non-Reality. Advances in Pure Mathematics, 12(5), pp.405-417.
Karmakar, T., Lewalle, P. and Jordan, A.N., 2022. Stochastic Path-Integral Analysis of the Continuously Monitored Quantum Harmonic Oscillator. PRX Quantum, 3(1), p.010327.
Mowgood, I., Melkonyan, G., Dulal, R., Teknowijoyo, S., Chahid, S. and Gulian, A., 2022. Violation of magnetic flux conservation by superconducting nanorings. Superconductor Science and Technology, 35(4), p.045006.
Tesser, L., Bhandari, B., Erdman, P.A., Paladino, E., Fazio, R. and Taddei, F., 2022. Heat rectification through single and coupled quantum dots. New Journal of Physics, 24(3), p.035001.
Napoletani, D. and Struppa, D.C., 2022. Isolated Objects and Their Evolution: A Derivation of the Propagator’s Path Integral for Spinless Elementary Particles. Foundations of Physics, 52(1), pp.1-38.
Steinmetz, J., Lyons, K., Song, M., Cardenas, J. and Jordan, A.N., 2022. Enhanced on-chip frequency measurement using weak value amplification. Optics Express, 30(3), pp.3700-3718.
Sen, I., 2022. Analysis of the superdeterministic Invariant-set theory in a hidden-variable setting. Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 478(2259), p.20210667.
Aharonov, Y., Behrndt, J., Colombo, F. and Schlosser, P., 2022. A unified approach to Schrödinger evolution of superoscillations and supershifts. Journal of Evolution Equations, 22(1), pp.1-31.
Aharonov, Y. and Shushi, T., 2022. Complex-Valued Classical Behavior from the Correspondence Limit of Quantum Mechanics with Two Boundary Conditions. Foundations of Physics, 52(3), pp.1-7.
Aharonov, Y. and Shushi, T., 2022. The super Dirac $$\delta $$ δ function and its applications. Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations, pp.1-6.
Aharonov, Y., Popescu, S. and Rohrlich, D., 2021. On conservation laws in quantum mechanics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(1), p.e1921529118.
Aharonov, Y., Cohen, E. and Popescu, S., 2021. A dynamical quantum Cheshire Cat effect and implications for counterfactual communication. Nature Communications, 12(1), pp.1-8.
Song, M., Steinmetz, J., Zhang, Y., Nauriyal, J., Lyons, K., Jordan, A.N. and Cardenas, J., 2021. Enhanced on-chip phase measurement by inverse weak value amplification. Nature communications, 12(1), pp.1-7.
Gulian, A., Foreman, J., Nikoghosyan, V., Sica, L., Abramian-Barco, P., Tollaksen, J., Melkonyan, G., Mowgood, I., Burdette, C., Dulal, R. and Teknowijoyo, S., 2021. Gravitational wave sensors based on superconducting transducers. Physical Review Research, 3(4), p.043098.
Nishimura, Y., Oshimi, K., Umehara, Y., Kumon, Y., Miyaji, K., Yukawa, H., Shikano, Y., Matsubara, T., Fujiwara, M., Baba, Y. and Teki, Y., 2021. Wide-field fluorescent nanodiamond spin measurements toward real-time large-area intracellular thermometry. Scientific reports, 11(1), pp.1-12.
Wadood, S.A., Liang, K., Zhou, Y., Yang, J., Alonso, M.A., Qian, X.F., Malhotra, T., Rafsanjani, S.H., Jordan, A.N., Boyd, R.W. and Vamivakas, A.N., 2021. Experimental demonstration of superresolution of partially coherent light sources using parity sorting. Optics Express, 29(14), pp.22034-22043.
Wadood, S.A., Liang, K., Zhou, Y., Yang, J., Alonso, M.A., Qian, X.F., Malhotra, T., Rafsanjani, S.H., Jordan, A.N., Boyd, R.W. and Vamivakas, A.N., 2021. Experimental demonstration of superresolution of partially coherent light sources using parity sorting. Optics Express, 29(14), pp.22034-22043.
Bearne, K.K., Zhou, Y., Braverman, B., Yang, J., Wadood, S.A., Jordan, A.N., Vamivakas, A.N., Shi, Z. and Boyd, R.W., 2021. Confocal super-resolution microscopy based on a spatial mode sorter. Optics Express, 29(8), pp.11784-11792.
Tamura, K. and Shikano, Y., 2021. Quantum random numbers generated by a cloud superconducting quantum computer. In International Symposium on Mathematics, Quantum Theory, and Cryptography (pp. 17-37). Springer, Singapore.
Catani, L., Leifer, M., Schmid, D. and Spekkens, R.W., 2021. Why interference phenomena do not capture the essence of quantum theory. arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.13727.
Waegell, M. and Aravind, P.K., 2021. GHZ, As Seen Through the Looking Glass. In Quantum Arrangements (pp. 187-196). Springer, Cham.
Wadood, S.A., Liang, K., Zhou, Y., Yang, J., Alonso, M.A., Qian, X.F., Malhotra, T., Rafsanjani, S.H., Jordan, A.N., Boyd, R.W. and Vamivakas, A.N., 2021. Experimental demonstration of superresolution of partially coherent light sources using parity sorting: erratum. Optics Express, 29(22), pp.35579-35579.
Lewalle, P., Elouard, C., Manikandan, S.K., Qian, X.F., Eberly, J.H. and Jordan, A.N., 2021. Entanglement of a pair of quantum emitters via continuous fluorescence measurements: a tutorial. Advances in Optics and Photonics, 13(3), pp.517-583.
Jordan, A., 2021, August. Quantum caustics and chaos in continuously measured quantum systems. In Photonics for Quantum 2019 (Vol. 11917, p. 119170M). International Society for Optics and Photonics.
Bhandari, B. and Jordan, A.N., 2021. Minimal two-body quantum absorption refrigerator. Physical Review B, 104(7), p.075442.
Elouard, C., Lewalle, P., Manikandan, S.K., Rogers, S., Frank, A. and Jordan, A.N., 2021. Quantum erasing the memory of Wigner's friend. Quantum, 5, p.498.
Krafczyk, C., Jordan, A.N., Goggin, M.E. and Kwiat, P.G., 2021. Enhanced weak-value amplification via photon recycling. Physical Review Letters, 126(22), p.220801.
Jordan, A.N. and Howell, J.C., University of Rochester, 2021. Method for scanning an object using a gravimeter. U.S. Patent 10,983,244.
Bearne, K.K., Zhou, Y., Braverman, B., Yang, J., Wadood, S.A., Jordan, A.N., Vamivakas, A.N., Shi, Z. and Boyd, R.W., 2021. Confocal super-resolution microscopy based on a spatial mode sorter. Optics Express, 29(8), pp.11784-11792.
Jordan, A.N., Giazotto, F. and Manikandan, S.K., Consiglio Nazionale delle Richerche CNR and University of Rochester, 2021. Systems and Methods for Superconducting Quantum Refrigeration. U.S. Patent Application 16/593,781.
Bresque, L., Camati, P.A., Rogers, S., Murch, K., Jordan, A.N. and Auffèves, A., 2021. Two-Qubit Engine Fueled by Entanglement and Local Measurements. Physical Review Letters, 126(12), p.120605.
Jayaseelan, M., Manikandan, S.K., Jordan, A.N. and Bigelow, N.P., 2021. Quantum measurement arrow of time and fluctuation relations for measuring spin of ultracold atoms. Nature communications, 12(1), pp.1-7.
Mayrhofer, R.D., Elouard, C., Splettstoesser, J. and Jordan, A.N., 2021. Stochastic thermodynamic cycles of a mesoscopic thermoelectric engine. Physical Review B, 103(7), p.075404.
Yang, J., Jussiau, É., Elouard, C., Le Hur, K. and Jordan, A.N., 2021. Quantum system dynamics with a weakly nonlinear Josephson junction bath. Physical Review B, 103(8), p.085402.
Aharonov, Y., Bagchi, S., Dressel, J., Reznik, G., Ridley, M. and Vaidman, L., 2021. Failed attempt to escape from the quantum pigeon conundrum. Physics Letters A, 399, p.127287.
Aharonov, Y., Cohen, E. and Popescu, S., 2021. A dynamical quantum Cheshire Cat effect and implications for counterfactual communication. Nature Communications, 12(1), pp.1-8.
Aharonov, Y., Colombo, F., Sabadini, I., Shushi, T., Struppa, D.C. and Tollaksen, J., 2021. A new method to generate superoscillating functions and supershifts. Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 477(2249), p.20210020.
Aharonov, Y., Behrndt, J., Colombo, F. and Schlosser, P., 2021. Green's function for the Schrödinger equation with a generalized point interaction and stability of superoscillations. Journal of Differential Equations, 277, pp.153-190.
Aharonov, Y., Popescu, S. and Rohrlich, D., 2021. On conservation laws in quantum mechanics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(1).
Aharonov, Y. and Rohrlich, D., 2020. What is nonlocal in counterfactual quantum communication?. Physical Review Letters, 125(26), p.260401.
Aharonov, Y., Behrndt, J., Colombo, F. and Schlosser, P., 2020. Schrödinger evolution of superoscillations with $$\delta $$ δ-and $$\delta'$$ δ′-potentials. Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations, 7(3), pp.293-305.
Elouard, C., Waegell, M., Huard, B. and Jordan, A.N., 2020. An Interaction-Free Quantum Measurement-Driven Engine. Foundations of Physics, pp.1-21.
Aleshchenko, Y., Gorshunov, B., Zhukova, E., Muratov, A., Dudka, A., Dulal, R., Teknowijoyo, S., Chahid, S., Nikoghosyan, V. and Gulian, A., 2020. Possible superconductivity above 40 K in rhenium-doped strontium ruthenates indicated by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. Physical Review Research, 2(4), p.042020.
Paiva, I.L., Aharonov, Y., Tollaksen, J. and Waegell, M., 2020. Magnetic forces in the absence of a classical magnetic field. Physical Review A, 101(4), p.042111.
Leifer, M., Duarte, C., 2020. Noncontextuality inequalities from antidistinguishability,Physical Review A, 101 062113
Gulian, A., Dulal, R., Teknowijoyo, S. and Chahid, S., 2020. Dialogue on a superconducting laser operating via nonequilibrium inversed population.Modern Physics Letters B, 34(22), p.2030005.
Aharonov, Y. and Shushi, T., 2020. A new class of superoscillatory functions based on a generalized polar coordinate system.Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations, 7(3), pp.307-313.
Kawashima, Y., Dulal, R., Teknowijoyo, S., Chahid, S. and Gulian, A., 2020. Ideal diamagnetic response at room temperature by graphene-n-heptane-permalloy system. Modern Physics Letters B, p.2050415.
Reznik, G., Bagchi, S., Dressel, J. and Vaidman, L., 2020. Footprints of quantum pigeons.Physical Review Research, 2(2), p.023004.
Aharonov, Y., Colombo, F., Sabadini, I., Struppa, D.C. and Tollaksen, J., 2020. Evolution of Superoscillations in the Klein-Gordon Field. Milan Journal of Mathematics, pp.1-19.
Duarte, C., 2020. Compatibility between agents as a tool for coarse-grained descriptions of quantum systems. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 53(39), p.395301.
Aharonov, Y., Colombo, F., Sabadini, I., Struppa, D.C. and Tollaksen, J., 2020. How superoscillating tunneling waves can overcome the step potential.Annals of Physics, 414, p.168088.
Burns, L., Bliokh, K.Y., Nori, F. and Dressel, J., 2020. Acoustic versus electromagnetic field theory: scalar, vector, spinor representations and the emergence of acoustic spin.New Journal of Physics.
Waegell, M. and McQueen, K.J., 2020. Reformulating Bell's theorem: The search for a truly local quantum theory. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics.
Rogers, S., Aharonov, Y., Elouard, C. and Jordan, A.N., 2020. Diffraction-based interaction-free measurements.Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations, 7(1), pp.145-153.
Waegell, M., Elouard, C. and Jordan, A.N., 2020. Energy-based weak measurement.Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations, pp.1-6.
Mohseninia, R., Yang, J., Siddiqi, I., Jordan, A.N. and Dressel, J., 2020. Always-on quantum error tracking with continuous parity measurements.Quantum 4, 358
Gulian, A.M., 2020. Shortcut to Superconductivity. [Book]
Waegell, M. and Matzkin, A., 2020. Nonlocal Interferences Induced by the Phase of the Wavefunction for a Particle in a Cavity with Moving Boundaries. Quantum Reports, 2(4), pp.514-528.
Kawashima, Y., Dulal, R., Teknowijoyo, S., Chahid, S. and Gulian, A., 2020. Ideal diamagnetic response at room temperature by graphene-n-heptane-permalloy system. Modern Physics Letters B, 34(36), p.2050415.
Gulian, A. and Gulian, A.M., 2020. Multistage thermoelectric La (Ce) B6 cryocoolers. Modern Physics Letters B, 34(35), p.2050403.
Paiva, I.L., Aharonov, Y., Tollaksen, J. and Waegell, M., 2019. Topological bound states for quantum charges. Physical Review A, 100(4), p.040101.
Amaral, B. and Duarte, C., 2019. Characterizing and quantifying extended contextuality.Physical Review A, 100(6), p.062103.
Aharonov Y., Behrndt, J., Colombo, F., Schlosser, P., 2019. Schrödinger evolution of superoscillations with $$\delta $$ δ-and $$\delta'$$ δ′-potentialsQuantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations
Mohseninia, R., Alonso, J.R.G. and Dressel, J., 2019. Optimizing measurement strengths for qubit quasiprobabilities behind out-of-time-ordered correlators.Physical Review A, 100(6), p.062336.
Waegell, M. and Dressel, J., 2019. Benchmarks of nonclassicality for qubit arrays. npj Quantum Information, 5(1), pp.1-8.
Aharonov, Y., Cohen, E. and Oaknin, D.H., 2019. Why physical understanding should precede the mathematical formalism—Conditional quantum probabilities as a case-study.American Journal of Physics, 87(8), pp.668-673.
González Alonso, J.R., Yunger Halpern, N. and Dressel, J., 2019. Out-of-Time-Ordered-Correlator Quasiprobabilities Robustly Witness Scrambling. Physical Review Letters, 122(4), pp.Art-No.
Berry, M., Zheludev, N., Aharonov, Y., Colombo, F., Sabadini, I., Struppa, D.C., Tollaksen, J., Rogers, E.T., Qin, F., Hong, M. and Luo, X., 2019. Roadmap on superoscillations. Journal of Optics, 21(5), p.053002.
Rai, A., Duarte, C., Brito, S. and Chaves, R., 2019. Geometry of the quantum set on no-signaling faces.Physical Review A, 99(3), p.032106.
Amaral, B. and Duarte, C., 2019. Graph Approach to Extended Contextuality. Physical Review A, 100(6) p062103.
Leifer, M., 2019 Against Fundamentalism, in What is Fundamental?, A. Aguirre, B. Foster, Z. Merali (eds.), 13-25 (Springer). Second Prize in 2017 FQXi Essay Contest
Gulian, A., Foreman, J., Nikoghosyan, V., Sica, L., Burdette, C., Tollaksen, J. and Nussinov, S., 2019. Rotational superconducting gravitational wave detectors based on Cooper-pair electronic transducers.IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 29(5), pp.1-5.
Pavičić, M., Waegell, M., Megill, N.D. and Aravind, P.K., 2019. Automated generation of Kochen-Specker sets. Scientific reports, 9(1), pp.1-11.
Catani, L., Browne, D.E. and de Silva, N., 2019. Spekkens’ toy model and contextuality as a resource in quantum computation. Foundations of Quantum Theory, Proceedings of the International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi, 197, pp.301-308.
Aharonov, Y. and Vaidman, L., 2019. Modification of counterfactual communication protocols that eliminates weak particle traces. Physical Review A, 99(1), p.010103.
Denkmayr, T., Dressel, J., Geppert-Kleinrath, H., Hasegawa, Y. and Sponar, S., 2018. Weak values from strong interactions in neutron interferometry.Physica B: Condensed Matter, 551, pp.339-346.
Henaut, L., Catani, L., Browne, D.E., Mansfield, S. and Pappa, A., 2018. Tsirelson's bound and Landauer's principle in a single-system game.Physical Review A, 98(6), p.060302.
Aharonov, Y., Cohen, E. and Tollaksen, J., 2018. Completely top–down hierarchical structure in quantum mechanics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(46), pp.11730-11735.
Duarte, C., Brito, S., Amaral, B. and Chaves, R., 2018. Concentration phenomena in the geometry of Bell correlations.Physical Review A, 98(6), p.062114.
Aharonov, Y., Colombo, F., Struppa, D.C. and Tollaksen, J., 2018. Schrödinger evolution of superoscillations under different potentials. Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations, 5(3), pp.485-504.
Waegell, M., 2018. An ontology of nature with local causality, parallel lives, and many relative worlds.Foundations of Physics, 48(12), pp.1698-1730.
Aharonov, Y., Sabadini, I., Tollaksen, J. and Yger, A., 2018. Classes of superoscillating functions. Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations, 5(3), pp.439-454.
Halpern, N.Y., Swingle, B. and Dressel, J., 2018. Quasiprobability behind the out-of-time-ordered correlator.Physical Review A, 97(4), p.042105.
Aharonov, Y., Cohen, E., Waegell, M. and Elitzur, A.C., 2018. The weak reality that makes quantum phenomena more natural: novel insights and experiments.Entropy, 20(11), p.854.
Combes, J., Ferrie, C., Leifer, M.S. and Pusey, M.F., 2018. Why protective measurement does not establish the reality of the quantum state.Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations, 5(2), pp.189-211.
Aharonov, Y., Cohen, E., Carmi, A. and Elitzur, A.C., 2018. Extraordinary interactions between light and matter determined by anomalous weak values.Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 474(2215), p.20180030.
Amaral, B., Duarte, C. and Oliveira, R.I., 2018. Necessary conditions for extended noncontextuality in general sets of random variables.Journal of Mathematical Physics, 59(7), p.072202.
Dressel, J., Alonso, J.R.G., Waegell, M. and Halpern, N.Y., 2018. Strengthening weak measurements of qubit out-of-time-order correlators.Physical Review A, 98(1), p.012132.
Gulian, A.M., Nikoghosyan, V.R., Gulian, E.D. and Melkonyan, G.G., 2018. Quasi-local action of curl-less vector potential on vortex dynamics in superconductors. Physics Letters A, 382(15), pp.1058-1064.
Duarte, C. and Amaral, B., 2018. Resource theory of contextuality for arbitrary prepare-and-measure experiments.Journal of Mathematical Physics, 59(6), p.062202.
Hacohen-Gourgy, S., García-Pintos, L.P., Martin, L.S., Dressel, J. and Siddiqi, I., 2018. Incoherent qubit control using the quantum Zeno effect.Physical review letters, 120(2), p.020505.
Gulian, A., Van Vechten, D., Cappelluti, E., Dolgov, O., Tollaksen, J., Melkonyan, G., Gorshunov, B. and Bourgeois, C., 2018. Room-temperature superconductivity and quantum physics.
Aharonov, Y., Cohen, E., Elitzur, A.C. and Smolin, L., 2018. Interaction-free effects between distant atoms. Foundations of Physics, 48(1), pp.1-16.
Gulian, A.M. and Nikoghosyan, V.R., 2018. Serendipitous vs. systematic search for room-temperature superconductivity. Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations, 5(1), pp.161-176.
Drumond, R.C., Duarte, C. and Oliveira, R.I., 2018. Small violations of Bell inequalities for multipartite pure random states.Journal of Mathematical Physics, 59(5), p.052202.
García-Pintos, L.P. and Dressel, J., 2017. Past observable dynamics of a continuously monitored qubit.Physical Review A, 96(6), p.062110.
Dressel, J., Chantasri, A., Jordan, A.N. and Korotkov, A.N., 2017. Arrow of time for continuous quantum measurement.Physical review letters, 119(22), p.220507.
Waegell, M., Denkmayr, T., Geppert, H., Ebner, D., Jenke, T., Hasegawa, Y., Sponar, S., Dressel, J. and Tollaksen, J., 2017. Confined contextuality in neutron interferometry: Observing the quantum pigeonhole effect. Physical Review A, 96(5), p.052131.
Aharonov, Y., Cohen, E., Colombo, F., Landsberger, T., Sabadini, I., Struppa, D.C. and Tollaksen, J., 2017. Finally making sense of the double-slit experiment.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(25), pp.6480-6485.
Leifer, M.S. and Pusey, M.F., 2017. Is a time symmetric interpretation of quantum theory possible without retrocausality?.Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 473(2202), p.20160607.
Aharonov, Y., Colombo, F., Sabadini, I., Struppa, D. and Tollaksen, J., 2017. The mathematics of superoscillations (Vol. 247, No. 1174). American Mathematical Society.
Gulian, E.D., Melkonyan, G.G. and Gulian, A.M., 2017. Directed motion of vortices and annihilation of vortex–antivortex pairs in finite-gap superconductors via hot-lattice routes.Physics Letters A, 381(27), pp.2181-2187.
Waegell, M. and Aravind, P.K., 2017. The Penrose dodecahedron and the Witting polytope are identical in CP3. Physics Letters A, 381(22), pp.1853-1857.
Aharonov, Y., Cohen, E., Landau, A. and Elitzur, A.C., 2017. The case of the disappearing (and re-appearing) particle. Scientific reports, 7(1), pp.1-9.
Waegell, M. and Aravind, P.K., 2017. Minimal complexity of Kochen-Specker sets does not scale with dimension.Physical Review A, 95(5), p.050101.
Aharonov, Y., Colombo, F., Sabadini, I., Struppa, D.C. and Tollaksen, J., 2017. Evolution of superoscillatory initial data in several variables in uniform electric field. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 50(18), p.185201.
Denkmayr, T., Geppert, H., Lemmel, H., Waegell, M., Dressel, J., Hasegawa, Y. and Sponar, S., 2017. Experimental demonstration of direct path state characterization by strongly measuring weak values in a matter-wave interferometer.Physical review letters, 118(1), p.010402.
Aharonov, Y., Cohen, E. and Landsberger, T., 2017. The two-time interpretation and macroscopic time-reversibility. Entropy, 19(3), p.111.
Cohen, E. and Aharonov, Y., 2017. Quantum to classical transitions via weak measurements and post-selection. In Quantam Structural Studies: Classical Emergence from the Quantum Level (pp. 401-425).
Barco, P.A. and Gulian, A.M., 2017. THE NUMERICAL SOLUTIONS OF HAWKING'S EQUATIONS FOR GRAVITATIONAL WAVES IN THE EVOLUTIONARY UNIVERSE.Journal of Magnetohydrodynamics and Plasma Research, 22(1), pp.1-28.
Jennings, D. and Leifer, M., 2016. No return to classical reality. Contemporary Physics, 57(1), pp.60-82.
Aharonov, Y., Colombo, F., Sabadini, I.R.E.N.E., Struppa, D.C. and Tollaksen, J., 2016. Superoscillating sequences in several variables.Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, 22(4), pp.751-767.
Aharonov, Y., Cohen, E. and Rohrlich, D., 2016. Nonlocality of the Aharonov-Bohm effect.Physical Review A, 93(4), p.042110.
Romito, A., Jordan, A.N., Aharonov, Y. and Gefen, Y., 2016. Weak values are quantum: you can bet on it. Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations, 3(1), pp.1-4.
Waegell, M., Aharonov, Y. and Patti, T.L., 2016. Interference Energy Spectrum of the Infinite Square Well. Entropy, 18(4), p.149.
Aharonov, Y., Colombo, F., Popescu, S., Sabadini, I., Struppa, D.C. and Tollaksen, J., 2016. Quantum violation of the pigeonhole principle and the nature of quantum correlations.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(3), pp.532-535.
Pusey, M.F. and Leifer, M.S., 2015. Logical pre-and post-selection paradoxes are proofs
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Gulian, A., Foreman, J., Nikoghosyan, V., Nussinov, S., Sica, L. and Tollaksen, J., 2015. Superconducting antenna concept for gravitational waves. Physics Procedia, 67, pp.1212-1217.
Mapping the optimal route between two quantum states
Nature 511, 570-573 - 31 July 2014
S.J. Weber, A. Chantasri, J. Dressel, A.N. Jordan, K.W. Murch, and I. Siddiqi
Increase of Signal-to-Noise Ratio in Weak Value Measurements
Quantum Theory: A Two-Time Success Story(pp 389-395) - 2014
C. Byard, T. Graham, A. Danan, L. Vaidman, A. N. Jordan, and P. G. Kwiat
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Action principle for continuous quantum measurement
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Quantum instruments as a foundation for both states and observables
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J. Dressel and A. N. Jordan
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