»Open to the Public! Discussion - The Cutting Edge of Modern Physics: Achievements and Opportunities
On the occasion of Yakir Aharonov's 80th birthday, a group of the world’s most accomplished
physicists are visiting Chapman University for a conference on the foundations of
quantum physics. On Thursday, August 16 at 5:30 p.m. in the chapel of the Fish Interfaith
Center, National Medal of Science winner Yakir Aharonov, Sir Michael Berry, François
Englert, Paul Davies, and Nobel Laureate Sir Anthony Leggett will participate in an
open public discussion to kick off the two-day conference. This discussion is free
and open to the public. Other conference events will be live-streamed on the homepage
of the Institute for Quantum Studies (http://quantum.chapman.edu). Visitor parking
is available in the Anderson Structure located off Walnut Street; parking passes may
be purchased at the entrance. Please contact Doug Dechow (dechow@chapman.edu) with
any questions.
The assembled speakers have each made remarkable contributions to modern physics:
The recent announcement by CERN of the discovery of the so-called “God particle” is
based upon theoretical work done by Prof. Francois Englert (in the physics community,
the particle is referred to as the Brout-Englert-Higgs boson); Prof. Leggett’s pioneering
work on superfluidity was honored with the 2003 Nobel Prize; Prof. Davies, a Templeton
Prize winner, has investigated the origin of the universe and of life; and Sir Michael
Berry is known for the discovery of the Berry-phase, the sister-phenomenon to the
Aharonov-Bohm phase, work done by Chapman University’s Prof. Yakir Aharonov.
Quantum physics is the most successful scientific theory in history and is crucial
for many of the technological advances that drive our economy. Recently, leading science
advisors to Congress stated, “America’s future prosperity and economic security may
rely [on quantum physics] to accomplish feats ... that are impossible with today’s
technology.” This public event, sponsored by Chapman University’s Institute for Quantum
Studies, will provide attendees with an opportunity to listen to and ask questions
of some of the people whose work has most influenced our understanding of the quantum